Trading with the trend | W+D screening of Value Zone entries

Trading with the trend | W+D screening of Value Zone entries

Trend following – Swing trading entry, screening of VZ

  1. W(Weekly tf): Screening for trend 10 vs. 20W EMA (can be optimized by 5, 10, 20, 50..).
  2. W(Weekly tf): Screening for price (close) crossing 20W EMA (can be optimized by 5, 10, 20..).
  3. D(Daily tf): Screening for MACD (close) crossing the Signal line (X-over in Up / X-under in Dn. -trends)
  4. Cherry picking: Copy the best results to a Hot-list that is observed in 4H + 1H charts, pending an entry trigger

Next step:

  • create a screener for the entry trigger in 4H+1H
  • Backtesting trading system based on the trigger

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  1. Nicolas • 02/21/2018 #

    Thank you for this valuable stock screener. However, I can’t get bearish signals with the code (mytrend=-1)?
    To “backtest” the signals, we could compare the actual Close with the Close when the signal occurred X bars ago in ProScreener.

  2. Per Inge • 02/21/2018 #

    Thanks for your advice, that is useful and I will study that option. I found that problem as well, and have developed it further. Are there any way that I can edit it online at this time ? (Or, alternatively how do I proceed ? )

    • Nicolas • 02/21/2018 #

      You can send me updates through the form on the contact page:
      Thank you very much for your contribution!

  3. Actabi • 02/21/2018 #

    Thank you ! Have you realised your “next step” ?

  4. Jessar • 02/21/2018 #

    guten Tag, gibt es bereits die Aktualisierte Datei?

  5. Per Inge • 02/21/2018 #

    Gents – An update – I have been studying various trading approaches, as this one that is based on the moves in a trend, detecting triggers on the variations within. I was not able to find satisfactory repeatable and predictive outcome. As you know, here is where the money management kick in and the end-result comes form the balance between. If i may suggest a way forward, tweak the parameters on for example an instrument that by observations moves less random than often seen by forex and if successful in no less than 4 out of 10 triggers – the rest is done by money management. (I have moved over to more trend following on longer timeframes W and M to mitigate the stress of the trading “robots” as it took too much an effort to deal with it.) P

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