Williams Swing Points

Williams Swing Points

Stock screener based on Williams Highs and Lows indicator made by @gabri



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  1. gabri • 11/21/2017 #

    Thanks Violet,
    You can try also this version (for long only)

  2. gabri • 11/21/2017 #

    if (high>alto[1]) and not (highlow[1]) then
    if (low<basso[1]) and not (highlow[1]) then

    if alto<alto[1] and trend=1 then
    //intermediate high swing points
    if longmarkhighshortmarkhigh then
    if imhighold>imhighnew then
    if basso>basso[1] and trend=0 then
    //intermediate low swing points
    if longmarklow>mediummarklow and mediummarklow<shortmarklow then
    if imlowold<imlownew then
    //long conditions
    //short conditions
    c2=imhighold>imhighnew and (highest[barindex-refhigh+1](high))<=mediummarkhigh

    screener[c1 and not c2] (c1)

  3. BZH22 • 11/21/2017 #

    Bonjour .
    il faudrait créer un screener qui détecte toutes les actions avec une flêche plus ellipse a l’ achat .

  4. BZH22 • 11/21/2017 #

    Bonjour Gabri ton screener ne marche pas .
    tu peux créer un screener à l’ achat, avec avec flêche plus ellipse et MM50 > MM200 .
    Cordialement .

    • gabri • 11/21/2017 #

      Try also Violet screener, it seems really good.

    • gabri • 11/21/2017 #

      BZH22, i don’t understand why the indicators and the screeners are not working on your computer. Try to check the settings because on mine it runs smoothly. For you can add:
      screener[c1 and c3 and not c2] (c1)

  5. gabri • 11/21/2017 #

    BZH22, i don’t understand why the indicators and the screeners are not working on your computer. Try to check the settings because on mine it runs smoothly. For you can add:
    screener[c1 and c3 and not c2] (c1)

  6. BZH22 • 11/21/2017 #

    Merci Gabri pour les MM50 et MM200

  7. Abz • 11/21/2017 #

    Violet , when trying to automate this my trades are not opening at the same entry point as where this circle are drawn, have you tried that?

    • Violet • 11/21/2017 #

      Abz, the arrows and circles are only the *first part* of a trade setup. If certain conditions are met (as defined in the algorithm), then the signal comes on the bar/candle immediately following the arrow/circle, which forms the *second part* of the setup.

      Please carefully read the comments/discussions on the “Wlliams’ Highs And Lows” indicator, presented by Gabri, on which this screener is based. It is by design that the actual trade signal (entry or exit point) can only come on the following bar/candle. The two bars/candles work in tandem to produce the signal.

      Mind you, never use indicators and screeners if you do not know exactly what conditions they are searching for.

  8. gabri • 11/21/2017 #

    you did an excellent job. I attached here
    also my version of the screener.

  9. fab.ub • 11/21/2017 #

    HI GABRI, if the cirled arrow is the intermediate point in which You can define your entry and stop loss what is the meaning of the other arrows (without circle)?

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