ADX, momentum, ema 8 strategy

ADX, momentum, ema 8 strategy

Hi. I made a pretty solid strategy based on ADX, momentum and ema8.

I would like to share it with you guys to see what you think and I’m open to new improvements that you might think of.

The strategy is currently running in DAX 15 min, but I think it might be also good in other times and products.

Would be good to know how it works with 200k units backtest instead of 100k…

Hope you like it!


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  1. TempusFugit • 07/02/2019 #

    Hi xpiga,

    I can see there is a lot of work in your code, thanks for sharing.

    Unfortunetly the results before 2017 are not good. I don´t know how to add here images of the backtest with 200.000 for you to see. Is it possible?

  2. xpiga • 07/02/2019 #

    I don’t know I suppose you can attach the picture…
    Any new ideas to improve the code are more than welcome.
    I think the system has a lot of potential in the long term.

  3. TempusFugit • 07/02/2019 #

    Sorry but I don´t see any option to attach the picture here… not sure but I think that´s only possible in the normal forum.
    About ideas to improve the only thing I can think is about the trailing stop you use, maybe you like it that way but you can also use the trailing stop function that Nicolas has published here:
    I don´t really know about the logic of the system so I can´t talk properly but when I see so many indicators in the code I tend to think the backtest probably is curvefitted. But that only time will tell 😉
    Good luck!

  4. rama • 07/02/2019 #

    Trailing stop wont work, will keep moving with price

  5. BobFlynn • 07/02/2019 #

    Very good strategy, still works good in demo today ! 🙂

  6. herke036 • 07/02/2019 #

    Hello is there an update about this strategy. New code, results, Anyone tried it live?

  7. ALZ • 07/02/2019 #

    currently, I don’t have the same result as above
    and don’t no if it works good in real…

    i changed some parameters and profit factor has been increased (1.68)
    but it’s an optimisation…

  8. JJ Tec • 07/02/2019 #

    Hola. Me gustaría contactar contigo para ver la estrategia..

  9. nilsla1981 • 07/02/2019 #

    Has someone already tested in real ?

  10. Lucas0000 • 07/02/2019 #

    Hola. estoy buscando un programador en proorder, para hacer un programa basado en el Q-trend de Nicolas, que haga las compras y ventas automáticamente. si conoces a alguien es español. Graciasss

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