Hi all,

I wanted to share this simple but effective strategy. It is only for 5 min time frame until multi timeframe is working in the platform, I also tested in different forex markets but not in index nor in commodities. Here is the set up for long position (for short position is the opposite).

  • Price is near and above the SMA200 hourly (i.e SMA 2400 period for 5min timeframe and a bollinger bands for definition of “near” by using the variable BB2400).
  • Contraction of Bollinger Bands of period 200 and SMA200 is upwards, contraction defined by the upper band below a maximum of its value in very short term.
  • Open Stop Order at the near term resistance by using a pseudo Donchian Channel customized by me.
  • Exit at my dynamic SAR (you can check information in a forum of me about this topic) also if close is below support. No profit target.
  • Capital management is deactivated but can be activated in the code if needed.

Have a good trade and just tell us your best setup or if you improve the code.

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  1. CN • 05/17/2018 #

    Added this to live.
    The issue I see is that it can have 100$-200$ win without taking the money.
    The only thing that happened is waiting the stop to be triggered.
    How come?

  2. Leo • 05/17/2018 #

    This strategy does not have a Profit target, instead it has a Modified parabolic SAR which is accelerating by comparing the actual Profit with the initial stoploss (line 127 to 139)

  3. Mattzi • 05/17/2018 #

    Running this one in demo with CAC40, inte backtest it buys and sell but not when running live. Do you know why?

    • Leo • 05/17/2018 #

      Does it opens pending orders?… maybe they were not trigger.

    • Mattzi • 05/17/2018 #

      Dont know, all i can see is that it opened an order yesterday in backtest but not live.
      The strategie has only made one trade so far maybe it will open the next.

  4. Jean-Christophe • 05/17/2018 #

    Hello Leo, when running the strategy from 29/12/2015 to 31/08/2018 on ProRealTime Premium, I noticed that the system stops automatically on 27/04/2016.
    I analyzed the performance (32 months of historical data):
    – There is a loss for Year 2016
    – Results are good from early 2017 till now as describded in your screenshot

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