BreakOut – SAR – Index – 15m – (DJIA-DAX-PXI)

BreakOut – SAR – Index – 15m – (DJIA-DAX-PXI)

Hi everyone!

This strategy buy or sell if price breaks max or min night range with an “spread” difference (optimized by variable “s”), and then is stopped at SAR crosses.

It has money-management included, system will calculate risk before setting up orders and join with the contracts updated with “STRATEGYPROFIT” var.

I’m thinking to trade it real mode and maybe you could help me to improve it, is my really first one you know…

Best wishes!

No confusing closes at bar 0. +info

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  1. Nicolas • 04/25/2016 #

    Hello, and thank you Adolfo for your library contribution.
    How much trades do the strategy have done since January this year?

  2. Adolfo Onrubia • 04/25/2016 #

    Hello, I’m glad to see it published! 
    505 Trades, also added a screenshoot with detailed report

  3. Doctrading • 04/25/2016 #

    Nice code, I was just looking to make a similar code on Parabolic SAR !

  4. Adolfo Onrubia • 04/25/2016 #

    Hi Doctrading!
    Then you would like to see this:
    mySAR = SAR[0.02,0.02,0.2]

    c1 = mySAR >= High
    c2 = mySAR <= Low

    IF Not OnMarket THEN
    IF c1 THEN
    IF c2 THEN

    IF LongOnMarket THEN
    mySTOP = mySAR
    IF Close >= TradePrice(1) THEN
    mySTOP = mySAR

    IF ShortOnMarket THEN
    mySTOP = mySAR
    IF Close <= TradePrice(1) THEN
    mySTOP = mySAR
    Very funny results on DAX last year 🙂

  5. Andres • 04/25/2016 #

    Thank you very much for the code, Adolfo.

  6. gutta11 • 04/25/2016 #

    This seems nice!But in the back test, I just got like 30 trades the last year! And -80%Do you have an idea what´s wrong here?Thank you very much!

  7. Adolfo Onrubia • 04/25/2016 #

    Hi gutta11!
    Should be more because our timezones are different? System is tested at GMT+1. 
    I don’t know why you get this results, maybe we will find some help from our bests pro’s!

  8. Nicolas • 04/25/2016 #

    Maybe you could explain parameters to everyone Adolfo? I know there are the spread one which is important i believe? thanks 🙂

  9. Adolfo Onrubia • 04/25/2016 #

    Yes! I will, after dinner 🙂 

  10. Adolfo Onrubia • 04/25/2016 #

    Ups, how can edit posted code? Can I?
    This strategy at 08:00h GMT+1 sets a max/min range at highs and lows (dhigh,dlow). At 09:00h set stop orders at dhigh/dlow stop +/- Spread ( variable to set how many points away the limit we set the orders), if price is still into the range. At this step orders are placed and waiting to be executed. If price already breaks those limits, the inmediatly join the market with “AT MARKET” orders. After that, a cross over or under “SAR” (parabolic SAR indicator price) will stop positions.
    PIPSTOP = distance between recent highs and lows (last hour), in order to set an emergency STOP pLOSS.
    Also included money management, you can set your initial capital and your desired % of risk in variables “capital” and “riesgo”.
    Already now i’m very excited while working with the next version of this system, with a “JACKPOT” profit objective! I want to ear your questions, thanks!

  11. ALEALE • 04/25/2016 #

    could you help to set variables c,s,r, thanks

  12. Adolfo Onrubia • 04/25/2016 #

    Hi, fisrtly thanks for your interest on it. 🙂
    Variable “c” is to set your initial capital (i.e. 1000€)“r” is to set the maximum risk percentage we want (i.e 0,03)
    and “s” is the maximum stop loss distance in pips.
    Hope it helps you!

  13. Adolfo Onrubia • 04/25/2016 #

    Ups! Sorry. Variable “S” is to set an specific Spread if needed. Could be “0”, or the distance you want to wide orders.

  14. Meta Signals Pro • 04/25/2016 #

    For me there is a mistake here L32

    maxriesgo = round(equity*riesgo) => round(equity*(riesgo/100)

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