Buy if the price has fallen

Buy if the price has fallen

We buy when the price is below the EMA200 and above the EMA50 (sik!).
As a filter we use a simple linear regression slope.
We sell when the price is above the EMA28 and below the EMA7.

It really couldn’t be easier

thats all for today
until then

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  1. Richk87 • 02/15/2022 #

    Hi John, I like the code a lot, but i can only get it to work cumulateorders in backtesting. It doesn’t do it in live situation. Any reason why?
    Many thanks

  2. Desastrader • 02/15/2022 #

    Da error en la linea 9 🙁

  3. JohnScher • 02/15/2022 #

    If you import the itf.file the code works very well, with a big loss at the end based to the attack of Russia on Ukraine

  4. adconsulting • 02/15/2022 #


    defparam cumulateorders = true // false is working well

    once ordersize = 1

    TradingDay = ((dayofweek=1 and (time=050000 or time=090000 or time=130000 or time=170000)) or (dayofweek=2 and (time=010000 or time=050000 or time=130000 or time=170000)) or (dayofweek=3 and (time=090000 or time=130000 or time=210000)) or (dayofweek=4 and time=050000) or (dayofweek=5 and (time=010000 or time=090000 or time=130000 or time=170000)))
    //TradingTime = time >= 090000 and time Exponentialaverage [45] (close)
    c2 = close close [1]
    c4 = LinearRegressionSlope[95] (close) < 0

    IF TradingDay then
    If c1 and c2 and c3 and c4 then
    buy ordersize contract at market

    c5 = close Exponentialaverage [21] (close)

    IF longonmarket then
    If c5 and c6 then
    sell at market

    Set Stop %Loss 5.50 //as insurance
    Set Target %profit 2.75

    if close>open then
    elsif close<open then
    marginebv= low-115
    //acquistobreck= LOW-margine
    //acquistobv= close -marginebv

    if longonmarket then
    sell at marginebv stop

  5. adconsulting • 02/15/2022 #

    defparam cumulateorders = true // false is working well

    once ordersize = 1

    TradingDay = ((dayofweek=1 and (time=050000 or time=090000 or time=130000 or time=170000)) or (dayofweek=2 and (time=010000 or time=050000 or time=130000 or time=170000)) or (dayofweek=3 and (time=090000 or time=130000 or time=210000)) or (dayofweek=4 and time=050000) or (dayofweek=5 and (time=010000 or time=090000 or time=130000 or time=170000)))
    //TradingTime = time >= 090000 and time <= 170000

    c1 = close > Exponentialaverage [45] (close)
    c2 = close < Exponentialaverage [100] (close)
    c3 = close > close [1]
    c4 = LinearRegressionSlope[95] (close) < 0

    IF TradingDay then
    If c1 and c2 and c3 and c4 then
    buy ordersize contract at market

    c5 = close < Exponentialaverage [9] (close)
    c6 = close > Exponentialaverage [21] (close)

    IF longonmarket then
    If c5 and c6 then
    sell at market

    Set Stop %Loss 5.50 //as insurance
    Set Target %profit 2.75

    if close>open then
    elsif close<open then
    marginebv= low-115
    //acquistobreck= LOW-margine
    //acquistobv= close -marginebv

    if longonmarket then
    sell at marginebv stop

  6. wally • 02/15/2022 #

    Hola soy nuevo en el mudo robots. Alguien seria tan amable de poner el archivo itf.file ya que sin él no sé como poner el código en el PRT. GRACIAS!!

  7. Darren Nash • 02/15/2022 #

    I found this works well on the DOW

  8. thomas2004ch • 02/15/2022 #

    Hi John,

    Is your strategy suitable for daily SPY?


  9. gatowman • 319 days ago #

    Hi, ich bin leider Anfänger, habe den Code zwar importiert, aber scheinbar läuft er nicht auf D1, was muss ich ändern, oder kann jemand den code auf D1 oder W1 umschreiben, danke.

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