Dax Bollinger break with volume. 1 Hour

Dax Bollinger break with volume. 1 Hour

I have added my basic Dax Bollinger strat. It works that if the dax breaks out the Bollinger up or down with Volume above 8000. Its for a 1 hour time frame, working with a 2/1 RR

Happy for your comments and maybe ways optimize especially if the trade is in profit.

I know only basic code so please keep it simple for me.



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  1. Nicolas • 06/03/2017 #

    Thanks for sharing your automated trading strategy idea. Even if you accumulate loosing orders, it seems working just “fine”. Closing all orders each day is also more secure and I think it is the best way to prevent account wipe out! 8)
    Trading the breakout of Bollinger Bands is not new, but add Volumes information into your order conditions is clever. Your strategy is an interesting declination and I believe it could be improved in many ways, thank you.

  2. Maz • 06/03/2017 #

    Ok. Potential here to build onto this. Have opened a forum thread for further discussion:
    See hread for further code and variable optimization

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