Dax Reversal Catcher M30

Dax Reversal Catcher M30

Hi everyone,

I’m sharing this strategy I’ve been working on recently. It’s a mean reversion setup designed for the DAX working on M30 (with proper optimization it gives algo great results on the Nasdaq). The strategy targets reversals using a combination of indicators:

– Bollinger Bands for volatility and price extremes
– VWAP for intraday price reference
– EMAs for trend direction
– Higher Highs pattern confirmation

The strategy looks for oversold conditions near the lower Bollinger Band, waiting for a VWAP breakout to confirm the reversal. It includes automatic position closure before US market open.

While testing this strategy, I noticed the trade frequency is lower than expected. Although the logic behind seems to be great, I believe there’s room for improvement. Rather than keeping it to myself, I decided to share it as it could serve as a good foundation for further development for those who are interested in dedicating some time.

Potential areas for enhancement:
– Fine-tuning the BB parameters
– Adding volume filters
– Implementing more sophisticated exit rules

Feel free to modify and build upon this base (and share the final result if you want).

P.S: As always, please backtest thoroughly before using with real money.

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  1. MaoRai54 • 70 days ago #

    thanks for sharing. Is it only long? Why you didn’t consider short too?

    • ThibauldR • 70 days ago #

      You’re welcome! Yes, it’s only long, I believe it’s (maybe a bad) habit with the indices…

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