The “Little Turtle” strategy

The “Little Turtle” strategy

I had the idea of this little code, wishing to implement a strategy deviated from the famous “Turtle” strategy : a breakout above a last high on a certain period.

The code is very simple : we trade with the breakout of the 100 last days ; and so for the exit. Of course you can test with other parameters the value “100” days , but it seems to me profitable on most indices.  

Indeed , this code is performing very well on the CAC40 (83.3 % success , profit factor of 9.7 !), The DAX30, the S&P500, even the NIKKEI, etc.  

After weeks of very hard work, and with some other parameters, I did finally succeed to develop a very high-performance code on the Dax (5 times more profit than this code, with 2x less drawdown), which I use each day.

For now, I suggest you try this mini-code, which proves to be effective for long-term investment.

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  1. Nicolas • 04/01/2016 #

    Thank you for the contribution Doc. Even if a “buy and hold” strategy is more effective in profit, this one can reduce %drawdown.

    Buy and Hold curve is in pink color.

    • Stef • 04/01/2016 #

      Hi @Nicolas. How did you add the buy and hold to the chart?

    • Nicolas • 04/01/2016 #

      You can try this code for buy and hold curve line:
      capital = 10000
      mylot = 2

      i1 = capital+((pipvalue*Close)*mylot)

      RETURN i1

  2. Doctrading • 04/01/2016 #

    Yes, Buy & Hold is effective if the index is keeping growing… this is the case for the DAX, maybe not others…
    Thanks for your reply.

  3. Lepori Joël • 04/01/2016 #

    thank you so much for your great job, im very impatient to test your another strategy ” the turtle soup +1 “Jo

  4. zilliq • 04/01/2016 #

    Thanks Doc,
    But it will be more interesting to test on small unit of time (1 or 5 mn), for intraday trading, or daily for swinger, because I don’t know anyone who invest on very very long term?
    Have a nice day

  5. soukenson • 04/01/2016 #

    Bonjour Nicolas,
    Je ne comprends pas où ajouter le code que tu as a donné dans le code initial. Pouvez m’aider svp ?
    Merci 🙂

    • Nicolas • 04/01/2016 #

      Tu veux parler du code pour comparer avec le “buy and hold” ? Si oui, tu as tout ce qu’il faut ici:

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