Trading strategy reversal mini sp500

Trading strategy reversal mini sp500

Here is a simple and educational trading system based on moving averages logically mean reverting on the mini S&P500 US index.



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  1. Doctrading • 04/19/2016 #

    Nice strategy, indeed ! Thanks for sharing.
    Buy I don’t understand why it is not profitable before 1994.Do you have an idea ?

    • Nicolas • 04/19/2016 #

      Market were not mean reverting before this date (no real normal distribution), but it were also the end of generations of trend followers. Before electronic computer trading & internet generation, market were slow and with less volumes IMO. But perhaps giulomb has another opinion about this 🙂 

    • giulomb • 04/19/2016 #

      Questa e’ una ottimizzazione di lungo periodo , non esiste la taratura che funzione sempre perchè i mercati cambiamo 

    • giulomb • 04/19/2016 #

      Per Nicolas , non sono uno statistico , mi sembra funzionare e questo mi basta 

  2. giulomb • 04/19/2016 #

    Questa e’ una ottimizzazione di lungo periodo , non esiste la taratura che funzione sempre perchè i mercati cambiamo 

    • Nicolas • 04/19/2016 #

      I saw you have optimized the moving average period for this period. That’s a better explanation for Doctrading’s question, it’s equity curve-fitted sadly.

  3. gianlox • 04/19/2016 #

    good the basic idea, although I do not agree on optimization of the moving average because I think it overfitting, to improve the system  work better on other factors 

  4. giulomb • 04/19/2016 #

    Per valutare se c’ è overfitting , provare valori attorno a quelli inseriti

  5. Etta • 04/19/2016 #

    I am very new at this hole proreal software.  Also with trading strategy. I test this one it looks good.
    Is this only for uptrend? All the trades show long.
    I am trading the South Africa cash 40 witch is the same as the sp500.
    Do you have more strategies that I can test?
    Thanks Ettienne

  6. giulomb • 04/19/2016 #

    Ci sono anche trade short

  7. miguel33 • 04/19/2016 #

    Giulomb sono tre medie mobili semplici ? Grazie. Mig

  8. giulomb • 04/19/2016 #


  9. JR1976 • 04/19/2016 #

    HI giulomb 
    could you try to  manage the order with  buy at high/low stop instead  ‘At the market’
    It’s seems  better ??

  10. JR1976 • 04/19/2016 #

    It seems perform also very Well 

  11. JR1976 • 04/19/2016 #

    Sembra performare molto bene 

    • giulomb • 04/19/2016 #

      E’ tanto tempo che non lo guardo , non so neanche se il trading system soffre di iperottimizzazione  , come lo scriveresti il listato ?

  12. giulomb • 04/19/2016 #

    E’ tanto tempo che non lo guardo , non so neanche se il trading system soffre di iperottimizzazione  , come lo scriveresti il listato ?

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