TurtleTrade DAX Daily timeframe

TurtleTrade DAX Daily timeframe

Here is a turtletrader code I have been playing around with. It not perfect as there are huge drawbacks, but it has even larger profits. It also need a decent amount of capital to begin with- a lot of patience and stomach ice.
There are many 0-bar trades but only on the stoploss. Profit bars is 5 so I think the trades are valid and not subjected to the zerobar trade issue so many have written about here.
It makes a trade on 2nd day breakout and adds a trade every day with a minimum SL- many get stopped out but some get going.
I also added some extra trades if there was a trend. I hope you like it. I didn’t clean up the code, so you would see some of the alternative things I have been optimizing.
Comments and improvement are as always welcome.

Cheers Kasper

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  1. Elsborgtrading • 09/04/2016 #

    Just a small correction. The profit is not taken after 5 bars/days, but 20.8. One way of optimizing further and (perhaps) avoid the huge drawdown is to close partial postions along the way. unfortunate it’s not possible in PRT v. 10.2. anyone know if it will be possible in ver 10.3?

  2. Frank • 09/04/2016 #

    Hi Elsborgtrading,
    It’s interesting and I will do some backtest when I have time. Have you tried the strategy on different timeframes, or just daily?

  3. Elsborgtrading • 09/04/2016 #

    Hi Frank. The initial strategy originated from a 4Week turtletrade breakout with a 1-2 weeks running before taking a profit. That is still profitable, but no way near the gain as for the daily TF. I think I tested it on a several day TF and also 4H timeframe, however there must have been something that showed up that let me not to pursue other timeframes- also the optimization takes a long time, however that not said that it could be profitable on other TF. Let me know what you find out 🙂
    note: Before anyone go and invest any real money in this, I think we need to let it run in papertrading demo first, also I don’t think this would be the first automated strategy I would recommend, as it would take a decent amount of capital to begin with. At least 20000 Euros.

  4. Elsborgtrading • 09/04/2016 #

    Further documentation would involve a Monte Carlo simulation so we could see if we were on the right track. I can find 2 MC sim. tool in this site. I have used them both, they seem to complement each other and produce the same results. First one is based on MS Excel, the other is from tickerquest and completely free. They can both be found here http://www.prorealcode.com/topic/monte-carlo-analysis/#post-12935 Basically what it shows is based on the 1000-3000 runs with all 25 years of exported trades, (aprox. 10200 trades) there should be 0% of a blown account or margin call with 2000 $ to begin the automated system. All simulated and exported trades are done with 1 position and no position sizing as the initial strategy shows. I cannot upload macro enabled or any other “suspicious” files here, so the Excel and sim files must be left out, however I will show the screenshot of the relevant data.
    Cheers Kasper

  5. Elsborgtrading • 09/04/2016 #

    Hello fellow traders. Just to give a status on Demotrade walk forward from 12-09-2016 – 06-12-2016. (Unfortunately ProOrder stopped a while ago and I lost data so I only 3 month of walk forward demo trades)
    Gain:765 Euro
    Running P/L +1120 Euro

    • Nicolas • 09/04/2016 #

      I think you are talking about “forward test” (real live trading of your backtested strategy) and not “walk forward” which is an optimisation concept 🙂 Nevermind.

  6. Elsborgtrading • 09/04/2016 #

    Running P/L screen dump

  7. Elsborgtrading • 09/04/2016 #

    Hi Nicolas, and thanks for updating the file.
    When I backtest the code now I get a completely different equity curve- nothing change with the code. Was there any change to PRT?
    Also on the live demo, it closes trades partially- thought it could not be done in Proorder?

  8. Elsborgtrading • 09/04/2016 #

    Hi Nicolas. I made a mistake. a FTSE chart had sneaked under the DAX and when backtesting I accidently picked the wrong one. That why I got the wrong results. But Still I can see partically closing of positions. I am just in doubt- when trades are accumulated and “set stop Loss x” is reached- it looks like it’s different for each accumulated order entry?

    • Nicolas • 09/04/2016 #

      “set stop loss” are individual for each order with IG.

  9. Francesco78 • 09/04/2016 #

    thank you Elsborgtrading
    if the strategy were implemented in 2016 it would have defaulted, I guess its because this strategy is killed if implemented during long periods of range trading.
    is that right?
    Many thanks

    • Elsborgtrading • 09/04/2016 #

      Hi Francesco, I didn’t test the back test for only 2016, but I guess you are right. However I traded the strategy in demo, and it was just to good to be true. I think around 100% in 6 month. Then I realized that IG demo account allowed the SL=7 at 1 am and the Live account was 10 point. This kills the strategy!
      So I been puzzling around this and came up with a new version of code for the turtletrade strategy. Here it is. It is semi automatic. You need start the one name “1st TTradev6.1 Single DAX 1m” code- this need run every day. copy it and name the next 2nd, 3rd and so on. If “1st TTradev6.1 Single DAX 1m” is in marked the next day at 22:00 then start 2nd, and so on. If the previous code, for example 2nd is with loss, stop 3rd, so only codes with profit are running+ one more- in this example 2nd. I do this because I cannot have the best of both worlds when SL is 10 at night. So these codes need to be run at 1 min TF and no accomulating orders. you accomulate by starting the next (2nd) code up. I hope this make sense. Ohh.. and I also tested every single seasonal around the year and implemented that as well. If you want to backtest to 1998, I will provide the “turtletrade-long v3.0 DAX 1D.itf”- file for backtesting purposes. Run this on a 1 day TF. The “1st TTradev6.1 Single DAX 1m.itf” for the strategy I just explained. The v3.0 and V6.1 does not have any indicators that is why it can be comparable. I have also made an indicator that shows when the strategy is hitting an entry that stays in the marked longer than a day.
      Cheers Kasper
      // Main code : 1st TTradev6.1 Single DAX 1m
      // Semi manuel- Proorder needs to be re activated if still running the next day
      // all accumolated orders should be stopped manuel after the count of days- or exit of the first Proorder where count of days is automatic
      // With saisonal multipliers
      //==================DAX Daily Timeframe==========================
      // Definition of code parameters
      DEFPARAM CumulateOrders = false // Cumulating positions
      //once x2=0
      ONCE tradetime=0
      ONCE Trutletradedayzerolive=0
      //ONCE Trutletradedayonelive=0

      IF (Time >= 010000 AND Time <= 010100) or (Time >= 230000 AND Time <= 230100) and dayofweek=0 THEN //

      //REM Money Management
      if reinvest then
      Capital = 2000
      Risk = 0.2//0.1//in % pr position
      StopLoss = 10//7//10 // Could be our variable X
      REM Calculate contracts
      equity = Capital + StrategyProfit
      maxrisk = round(equity*(Risk/100))
      Positionsize= MAX(MINpositionsize,MIN(MAXpositionsize,abs(round((maxrisk/StopLoss)/PointValue)*pipsize)))
      Capital = 2000
      StopLoss = 10
      equity = Capital + StrategyProfit

      factor=oneday//oneminutes// minutes a day* sec a minute
      // define saisonal position multiplier for each month 1-15 / 16-31 (>0 - long / <0 - short / 0 no trade)
      ONCE January1 = 2//f4
      ONCE January2 = 2//f4
      ONCE February1 = 0//f4
      ONCE February2 = 2//f4
      ONCE March1 = 2//f4
      ONCE March2 = 3//f4
      ONCE April1 = 3//f4
      ONCE April2 = 2//f4
      ONCE May1 = 0//f4//..//dont trade
      ONCE May2 = 3//f4
      ONCE June1 = 0//f4//don\'t trade//dont trade
      ONCE June2 = 0//f4//..//dont trade
      ONCE July1 = 3//f4
      ONCE July2 = 0//f4//don\'t trade
      ONCE August1 = 1//f4//don\'t trade//don\'t trade
      ONCE August2 = 0//f4//don\'t trade//dont trade
      ONCE September1 = 0//f4//don\'t trade//??
      ONCE September2 = 0//f4//..//dont trade
      ONCE October1 = 3//f4
      ONCE October2 = 2//f4
      ONCE November1 = 2//f4
      ONCE November2 = 3//f4
      ONCE December1 = 2//f4
      ONCE December2 = 3//0//f4
      // set saisonal multiplier
      currentDayOfTheMonth = Date - ((CurrentYear * 10000) + CurrentMonth * 100)
      midOfMonth = 15
      IF CurrentMonth = 1 THEN
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = January1
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth > midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = January2
      ELSIF CurrentMonth = 2 THEN
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = February1
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth > midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = February2
      ELSIF CurrentMonth = 3 THEN
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = March1
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth > midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = March2
      ELSIF CurrentMonth = 4 THEN
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = April1
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth > midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = April2
      ELSIF CurrentMonth = 5 THEN
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = May1
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth > midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = May2
      ELSIF CurrentMonth = 6 THEN
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = June1
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth > midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = June2
      ELSIF CurrentMonth = 7 THEN
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = July1
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth > midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = July2
      ELSIF CurrentMonth = 8 THEN
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = August1
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth > midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = August2
      ELSIF CurrentMonth = 9 THEN
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = September1
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth > midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = September2
      ELSIF CurrentMonth = 10 THEN
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = October1
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth > midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = October2
      ELSIF CurrentMonth = 11 THEN
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = November1
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth > midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = November2
      ELSIF CurrentMonth = 12 THEN
      IF not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = December1
      if not onmarket and currentDayOfTheMonth > midOfMonth THEN
      saisonalPatternMultiplier = December2

      //=========================enter turtletrade day one====================================
      if BARINDEX-TRADEINDEX(1)>=dayzero or Trutletradedayzerolive then
      if not onmarket and Tradetime then
      BUY Positionsize * saisonalPatternMultiplier CONTRACTS AT MARKET

      if onmarket then

      //===========================STOPLOSS CODE===================

      //Initial stoploss set
      once slmove1=0
      once slmove2=0
      once sellprice=0
      if not slmove1 then
      set stop loss StopLoss

      //************move stoploss if gain+3

      if slmove1 and longonmarket and close-tradeprice>=(pipsize*pointvalue*3) then
      SELL AT sellprice STOP

      if slmove2 then
      SELL AT sellprice STOP
      //*************try and SL at -7
      if longonmarket and close-tradeprice<=-(pipsize*pointvalue*stoploss2) then
      sell AT MARKET

      if not onmarket then

      //=========================enter turtletrade day two====================================
      //if (BARINDEX-TRADEINDEX(1)>=dayone and BARINDEX-TRADEINDEX(1)<daytwo) or Trutletradedayonelive then
      //if onmarket and Tradetime then
      //BUY Positionsize * saisonalPatternMultiplier CONTRACTS AT MARKET
      //if onmarket and +countofposition[1]<+countofposition then
      ////===========================STOPLOSS CODE===================
      ////Initial stoploss set
      //once slmovedaytwo1=0
      //once slmovedaytwo2=0
      //once sellpricedaytwo=0
      //if not slmovedaytwo1 then
      //set stop loss StopLoss
      ////************move stoploss if gain+3
      //if slmovedaytwo1 and longonmarket and close-tradeprice>=(pipsize*pointvalue*3) then
      //SELL AT sellpricedaytwo STOP
      //if slmovedaytwo2 then
      //SELL AT sellpricedaytwo STOP
      ////*************try and SL at -7
      ////if longonmarket and close-tradeprice<=-(pipsize*pointvalue*stoploss2) then
      ////sell AT MARKET
      //if not onmarket then


      //=================================counting days in market on a 1 min TF=====
      once CountDays=0

      if onmarket and (CurrentHour crosses over 01) then//
      elsif not onmarket then
      //===================EXIT ALL POSITIONS=====

      //if x2>=x2 then
      if CountDays>=x2 then
      sell at market


      //============1st build in Quit code======
      //if not onmarket and equity[1] < equity then


      //graph (((tradeprice-(tradeprice-(tradeprice*(StopLoss/100))))*+countoFPOSITION*pipsize*pointvalue)/(equity))*100 COLOURED(0,0,0) AS \"MAXRISK\"//blue
      //graph (positionsize/equity)*100 COLOURED(0,255,0) AS \"RISK\"//GREEN
      //graph (+countofposition*StopLoss/equity)*100 COLOURED(0,0,0) AS \"MAXRISK\"//Aqua
      //graph abs((+countoFPOSITION*StopLoss*pipsize*pointvalue/equity)*100) COLOURED(255,20,147) AS \"MAXRISK%\"
      //GRAPH tradeprice COLOURED(50,50,75) AS \"monthlyHigh\"
      //GRAPH pris COLOURED(50,0,75) AS \"pris\"
      //GRAPH c1 COLOURED(50,0,75) AS \"c1\"

      //===============Graphs RR, Winnings, Max recorded risk, Max risk%
      //ONCE maxriskrecorded=0
      //If onmarket then
      //if maxriskrecorded<maxriskrecorded[1]then
      //if not onmarket then

      //graph abs((+countoFPOSITION*stoploss*pipsize*pointvalue/equity)*100) COLOURED(255,20,147) AS \"MAXRISK%\"
      //graph maxriskrecorded COLOURED(255,0,255) AS \"MAXrisk%recorded\"
      //graph RR COLOURED(0,0,255) AS \"RR\"
      //graph winnings COLOURED(0,0,0) AS \"Winnings\"

      //graph winnings COLOURED(0,0,0) AS \"Winnings\"
      //graph winnings COLOURED(0,0,0) AS \"Winnings\"
      //graph slmove1 COLOURED(0,0,0) AS \"slmove\"
      //graph slmove2 COLOURED(0,0,0) AS \"slmove2\"
      //graph BARINDEX-TRADEINDEX(1)COLOURED(0,0,0) AS \"+countofdays\"
      //graph x2 COLOURED(0,0,0) AS \"x2\"
      //graph countdays COLOURED(0,0,0) AS \"countdays\"


  10. Elsborgtrading • 09/04/2016 #

    I cannot provide more files to the post so the backtesting 1D tf code is
    // Main code : turtletrade-long v3.0 1D
    // With saisonal multipliers- and for backtesting and optimizing saisonal
    /7 Spread = 2 SL 7
    //==================DAX Daily Timeframe==========================
    // Definition of code parameters
    DEFPARAM CumulateOrders = true // Cumulating positions
    tradeingweek = OpenDayOfWeek <=5
    //REM Money Management
    if reinvest then
    Capital = 20000
    Risk = 0.23//0.1//in % pr position
    StopLoss = 7//7//10 // Could be our variable X
    REM Calculate contracts
    equity = Capital + StrategyProfit
    maxrisk = round(equity*(Risk/100))
    Positionsize= MAX(MINpositionsize,MIN(MAXpositionsize,abs(round((maxrisk/StopLoss)/PointValue)*pipsize)))
    StopLoss = 7

    // define saisonal position multiplier for each month 1-15 / 16-31 (>0 - long / <0 - short / 0 no trade)
    ONCE January1 = 2//f4
    ONCE January2 = 2//f4
    ONCE February1 = 0//f4
    ONCE February2 = 2//f4
    ONCE March1 = 2//f4
    ONCE March2 = 3//f4
    ONCE April1 = 3//f4
    ONCE April2 = 2//f4
    ONCE May1 = 0//f4//dont trade
    ONCE May2 = 3//f4
    ONCE June1 = 0//f4//don\'t trade
    ONCE June2 = 0//f4//dont trade
    ONCE July1 = 3//f4
    ONCE July2 = 0//f4//don\'t trade
    ONCE August1 = 1//f4//don\'t trade
    ONCE August2 = 0//f4//don\'t trade
    ONCE September1 = 0//f4//don\'t trade
    ONCE September2 = 0//f4//dont trade
    ONCE October1 = 3//f4
    ONCE October2 = 2//f4
    ONCE November1 = 2//f4
    ONCE November2 = 3//f4
    ONCE December1 = 2//f4
    ONCE December2 = 3//f4

    // set saisonal multiplier
    currentDayOfTheMonth = Date - ((CurrentYear * 10000) + CurrentMonth * 100)
    midOfMonth = 15
    IF CurrentMonth = 1 THEN
    IF currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = January1
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = January2

    ELSIF CurrentMonth = 2 THEN
    IF currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = February1
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = February2
    ELSIF CurrentMonth = 3 THEN
    IF currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = March1
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = March2
    ELSIF CurrentMonth = 4 THEN
    IF currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = April1
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = April2
    ELSIF CurrentMonth = 5 THEN
    IF currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = May1
    x2=26//f2//23//26(dont trade)
    x5=2//f3//9//2(dont trade)
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = May2
    ELSIF CurrentMonth = 6 THEN
    IF currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = June1
    x2=30//f2//26//don\'t trade//30-dont trade
    x5=10//f3//10//don\'t trade10-dont trade
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = June2
    x2=25//f2//30//25-dont trade
    x5=4//f3//2//4-dont trade
    ELSIF CurrentMonth = 7 THEN
    IF currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = July1
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = July2
    x2=10//f2//don\'t trade//10-dont trade
    x5=5//f3//don\'t trade//5-dont trade
    ELSIF CurrentMonth = 8 THEN
    IF currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = August1
    x2=23//f2//don\'t trade//23
    x5=4//f3//don\'t trade//4
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = August2
    x2=28//f2//don\'t trade//28-dont trade
    x5=8//f3//don\'t trade//8-dont trade
    ELSIF CurrentMonth = 9 THEN
    IF currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = September1
    x2=15//f2//don\'t trade//15
    x5=2//f3//don\'t trade//2
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = September2
    ELSIF CurrentMonth = 10 THEN
    IF currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = October1
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = October2
    ELSIF CurrentMonth = 11 THEN
    IF currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = November1
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = November2
    ELSIF CurrentMonth = 12 THEN
    IF currentDayOfTheMonth <= midOfMonth THEN
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = December1
    saisonalPatternMultiplier = December2

    if not shortonmarket and tradeingweek then
    BUY Positionsize * saisonalPatternMultiplier CONTRACTS AT MARKET
    //if open>pris+x5 then
    if open>tradeprice+x5 and tradeingweek then
    buy Positionsize *saisonalPatternMultiplier CONTRACTS AT MARKET

    if longonmarket then

    if CountDays>=x2 and tradeingweek then
    sell at market


    set stop loss StopLoss//your StopLoss code

    //graph (((tradeprice-(tradeprice-(tradeprice*(StopLoss/100))))*COUNTOFPOSITION*pipsize*pointvalue)/(equity))*100 COLOURED(0,0,0) AS \"MAXRISK\"//blue
    //graph (positionsize/equity)*100 COLOURED(0,255,0) AS \"RISK\"//GREEN
    //graph (countofposition*StopLoss/equity)*100 COLOURED(0,0,0) AS \"MAXRISK\"//Aqua
    //graph abs((COUNTOFPOSITION*StopLoss*pipsize*pointvalue/equity)*100) COLOURED(255,20,147) AS \"MAXRISK%\"
    //GRAPH tradeprice COLOURED(50,50,75) AS \"monthlyHigh\"
    //GRAPH pris COLOURED(50,0,75) AS \"pris\"
    //GRAPH c1 COLOURED(50,0,75) AS \"c1\"

    //===============Graphs RR, Winnings, Max recorded risk, Max risk%
    //ONCE maxriskrecorded=0
    //If onmarket then
    //if maxriskrecorded<maxriskrecorded[1]then
    //if not onmarket then

    //graph abs((COUNTOFPOSITION*stoploss*pipsize*pointvalue/equity)*100) COLOURED(255,20,147) AS \"MAXRISK%\"
    //graph maxriskrecorded COLOURED(255,0,255) AS \"MAXrisk%recorded\"
    //graph RR COLOURED(0,0,255) AS \"RR\"
    //graph winnings COLOURED(0,0,0) AS \"Winnings\"


  11. Elsborgtrading • 09/04/2016 #

    The indicator code:
    atr = averagetruerange[10](close)*0.5
    //tradeingweek = OpenDayOfWeek <=5 // and opendayofweek>=1
    tradeingweek = OpenDayOfWeek <=5
    if high>c1 and open<=low+7 and tradeingweek then
    DRAWTEXT(\"Turtletrade DAX\", barindex, high[1]+atr*3, Dialog, Standard, 12) COLOURED(0,0,0)
    DRAWARROWUP(barindex,high[1]-atr*3) COLOURED(0,0,0)


  12. Elsborgtrading • 09/04/2016 #

    Indicator code does not show up on sundays. This is a bug in PRT 10.3

  13. Francesco78 • 09/04/2016 #

    Thank you very much Kasper for your long and detailed answer
    I’ll have a look to it, it sounds very promising!

  14. Elsborgtrading • 09/04/2016 #

    I think it is, but it takes guts and patience because the winning rate is low, but potential gain is very high. backtest for ver 3.0 therefore 6.1 is out of this world.

  15. Francesco78 • 09/04/2016 #

    Hi Kasper, 
    so let me see if I understand.
    at day 1 you run the  “1st TTradev6.1 Single DAX 1m\"at day 2 you run BOTH 1st TTradev6.1 Single DAX 1m AND 2nd TTradev6.1 Single DAX 1m
    if at the end of the day the 2nd is at loss, then you stop it and you dont turn it on ever more, and the day after you start the 3rd.
    So in this framework the 3rd day you will have the 1st and the 3d and so on ..
    Am I right?
    Many thanks

  16. Elsborgtrading • 09/04/2016 #

    No that is wrong 🙂 1st runs always- then only run 2nd if 1st is on market with positions(around 22 pm). Run 3rd if 1st and 2nd is on market with positions-… run (n-th) ver if (n-1-th) ver is on market with positions. If 2nd and 3rd closes all positions- then close 3rd. 1st should be still be on market- so 1st and 2nd is running. If 1st closed all positions. Close 2nd so only 1 st run. Goes for 1st to (n)th versions. Hope it makes sense. 🙂

  17. Elsborgtrading • 09/04/2016 #

    It can only be fully automated if

    IG change minimum SLto 7 at night on DAX
    multi timeframe support AND allowing partial close of positions 

  18. Elsborgtrading • 09/04/2016 #

    A small example. the strategy would have opened 3 position on Dec 4th 2016 and keept it for 24 days closing on 3rd jan 2017 , Also opened 3 pos on wed 9th dec- closing 3rd jan 2017- thats 3*1195 pips + 3*768 pips- costing 22*3*7 pips= more or less 5420 pips gain- of cause it might just be a lucky shoot 😉

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FXmike hey my friends, thank you for this great code. my problem is he make no trade open. backtest...
FXmike Can i put a Action that my start contract is smaller than 1 ? 0.3 or 0.5 ? In wich Position...
phoentzs I wrote the code for M15 back then and also variants in H1 and M1. Everything works so far....
Jan Wind Thanks for sharing ! The Gain/Loss ratio is a bit low, 1,16, hardly offset the risks take...
drive whats the period ?
Lucas0000 Hola. estoy buscando un programador en proorder, para hacer un programa basado en el Q-trend...
Ludwig Bonjour Merci pour le code, je souhaite intégrer un break even et mette en place un réinves...
superfalcio hello, this strategy is pretty interesting, anyway on index after diferent suggestion and im...
Fralex Hello everyone I optimized the original “LongOnly-DAX-4H-TMA-Channel” algorithm over a pe...
Dom Hello, hello....je commence le trading et découvre par la même occasion le codage....et ce n...
Nicolas Merci, ça fait plaisir !
Be-n Bonjour tout le monde ! Dans l'indicateur de tendance, j'ai du mal à saisir la nuance entre ...
Vinks_o_7 Thanks again Vonasi !
Bard Thank you, this is a great tool @Vonasi, especially for those that used to like shorting Ind...
Aragorna Hi Vonasi, is there a reason why it does not work anymore in new version ePRT Platform? tha...
YvesRobert @robertogozzi. It's done. Thank you
YvesRobert Hello Roberto, some questions about your strategy. 1 - Do the 2 lines SET TARGET pPROFIT T...
robertogozzi 1. The 2 lines SET TARGET pPROFIT TP and SET STOP pLOSS SL are always executed, each bar. Bu...
sycomore Ça ne fonctionne sur aucune valeur, je dois être trop con...
Nicolas il faut appliquer l'indicateur sur le prix.
AntoGH Je crains de ne pas comprendre... Cela indique la probabilité de la prochaine bougie ou donn...
Anonymous Hi robertogozzi - thank you very much for sharing this strategy. I have performed various ...
robertogozzi Thank you samsampop.
Dotan Hello guys I really appreciate this coding effort but can I use this code for Mt5 Forex Trad...
Gubben So far so good. After a long drawdown it was winning four times in five weeks. Since 24 jul...
pat95162 Salut Pourquoi je n'ai pas les même résultats que vous
UkCoopDownUnder Any hints for us, on which variables we should be optimising ? As of November 2020, the cu...
Peter I recognized a possible problem with the timeframe / Defparam variables. As far as I know, t...
superfalcio Hello Peter, it is long time i have been watching this strategy, very good and interesting ...
Peter I indeed do have different modified strategies in the market. In the past my variants perfor...
JJ Tec Hola. Me gustaría contactar contigo para ver la estrategia..
nilsla1981 Has someone already tested in real ?
Lucas0000 Hola. estoy buscando un programador en proorder, para hacer un programa basado en el Q-trend...
JOKAMAURICE Thank you but I don't really understand. The values don't fit with what I see on my chart. I...
Alberto Aguilera Hi! Thanks for your strategy Anyone can check it with 200 bars?
TempusFugit Hi, this simple system for DOW and only shorts has worked quite well, maybe because of its q...
phoentzs Unfortunately, I never pursued this strategy further. Maybe I should take a look with what ...
Vonasi Yes that was the issue. I have posted an updated ITF file here: https://www.prorealcode.com/...
crolakstrading @vonasi Thank you for fixing the issue! This is a great indicator.
gregoire good evening vonasi , I had made the request to create this indicator a few years ago and I ...
