Universal XBody Strategy on Jp Morgan Chase (1Day)

Universal XBody Strategy on Jp Morgan Chase (1Day)

here is the same strategy (other one can be found here) with the parameters adapted to follow the movements of the shares of the famous JP Morgan Chase bank.

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  1. lesmicard • 08/22/2023 #

    you cant really use 0.3 spread since u got like 5 or 15 dollars cost when you open and close a postion on action . So your backtest isnt actually good .

  2. YvesRobert • 08/22/2023 #

    Hello, how is it possible to optimized the 3 parameters (period, filter1 and filter2) at the same time because combinations number is over than 10000 ? Thank you.

    • davidelaferla • 08/22/2023 #

      Follow these instructions: first optimize the period and the mode (leaving invertsignal=1 ) , and then optimize filters 1 and 2

  3. YvesRobert • 08/22/2023 #

    Hello daviddelaferla. Ok, but to optimize period and mode, filter1 and filter2 must be 0 or 1, or… ? Thank you

    • davidelaferla • 08/22/2023 #

      Hello YvesRobert! To optimize period and mode, filter1 and filter2 must be 0

  4. Germano77 • 08/22/2023 #

    hello, thx for sharing,
    but wich broker do you use?
    At IG I got the notification “automatic trading not allowed for this instrument”

  5. Musiar • 282 days ago #

    Hi Davide,
    You have done a great job: I modified a bit your strategy for Nasdaq, and now I am in automatic trading with it.

  6. Maik2404 • 252 days ago #

    Musiar können sie den code des automatischen systems teilen.

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