Universal XBody Strategy on DAX(1Day)

Universal XBody Strategy on DAX(1Day)

I have the pleasure of sharing with you the Dax version of the Universal XBody Strategy (which you can find here), with the parameters optimized for this market.
Happy Trading!

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  1. BaderBader • 203 days ago #

    Good day davidelaferla,
    Thank you for making your strategy available to the community, I don’t think it’s a given!

    Your strategy performs really well until July 12, 2023 (similar to your graph), but then it goes steadily from €40,000 downwards to €18,000 in my backtest.
    For you, however, the graph continues to run up. Did you set the variables and filters as in the code you provided?

    If so, do you know what it could be instead?
    The time zone I set is UTC+2 (Europe/Berlin)

    I am also on the DAX 1 daily chart.

    I would be happy to receive feedback.

    Thank you in advance and best regards

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