Forums ProRealTime English forum ProRealTime platform support NO POINT SAVING ANYTHING – PRT DOESN'T SAVE (Mac Users) Reply To: NO POINT SAVING ANYTHING – PRT DOESN'T SAVE (Mac Users)


Yes, Im going for a walk. This has completely ruined the day. TOTAL WASTE OF TIME.

Actually I just edited/added to my last response, (I added ” All my mean reversions systems…”) so people can have a look at yet another example of the complete and utter nonsense I’m experiencing using this platform. I screenshot everything now (because of PRT inconsistencies). MY graphs for x and y worked before I stopped last night, now they’re all flat. Hours of work wasted while I find the Text Edit fix.

Windows is old, maybe it’ll not work with PRT.

I just sent off for a Britannia Markets trading platform demo…