Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Why Does Removing ONE Line of Unused Space Cause Profits to Reappear? Reply To: Why Does Removing ONE Line of Unused Space Cause Profits to Reappear?


Wish I’d filmed it GraHal, I can really only tell you what happened and what I saw with my own eyes (and took screenshots of):

Remove a line of blank space and make £1835.
Re-add the offending line of unused space and lose £269.

I have another idea what caused it. I bring code from Text Edit into PRT. Sometimes PRT tells you it doesn’t like characters that are invisible to you like a double space between two characters, it gives you a red squiggly line and you have to back space all the way up to the nearest character on the left and the hit spacebar to get a  single space reestablished between the lines of code so they can work. Sometimes I have to do that 10+ times throughout a code I’ve added from Text Edit. I’d surmise that it is hidden characters imported in to PRT that cause the code to not work as intended, it’s just with this case there were no red squiggly warning lines that there was an issue.

As for searching and trying to find indicators that I’ve created over the last few day and being unable to find any of them in my indicators list with the only solution being to quit and reboot PRT, that’s an account issue or PRT interaction with Mac (and vice versa) issue because I’ve not come across that issue using other s/ware on this Mac. Nonetheless lost all his optimised parameters for a system when he restarted his platform the next day, they simply weren’t there. Do you experience save issues like mine and Nonetheless’s with Windows?

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