ggolfet Hi Actarus, what's the name of the histogram indicator below Apple's chart?
Actaru5 Flag ShowState in setting and show histogram
NicolaSilvagni hi, thank you for creating this indicator. i can't figure out how to get the three graphs b...
funkystuff Salut Balmora, Ton indicateur est plutôt intéressant :) Penses-tu qu'il soit possible de l'...
brian gilbert Hello, can you explain to me what are "pipsize" and "ATAN"? What functions do they have and ...
Bodaris Bonjour, Je suis débutant 1 mois :p pipsize ressemble à la fonction pointsize et ATAN...
darbes Hi How does it go on live ? JC
antonio73 Balmora74, io vedo che funziona anche su timeframe ad 1 minuto con piccole ottimizzazioni, t...
Juananantoniorodriguez hola buenas, a este sistema automático, Cómo se le podría poner un stoploss de beneficio sim...
