Nicolas En effet merci, erreur corrigée, la variable Risk affecte désormais comme il se doit les cal...
nader003 How can we get this indicator on MT4
Nicolas You can ask for private custom coding to our programming services: https://www.prorealcode.c...
lokbuscas is it possible to make a screener with this conditions??? thank you
achel I believe so but I leave it to Nicolas to decide if it is possible
Nicolas Please open a new topic in the screeners forum
Leo Does it opens pending orders?... maybe they were not trigger.
Mattzi Dont know, all i can see is that it opened an order yesterday in backtest but not live. Th...
Jean-Christophe Hello Leo, when running the strategy from 29/12/2015 to 31/08/2018 on ProRealTime Premium, I...
apachx Hi. Please, describe the algorithm in words. I want to understand how it works, but for now...
juanj This gets me thinking about creating a strategy on the 5min timeframe that only takes trades...
GraHal I noted above does okay on DAX 10 min with even a reduction to 30 of the Stop Loss. I've s...
Kris75 Hi Grahal, What about making the same great work you did with the snipet on google doc but...
LancerX This catch my attention, tried to load in pro order but not coming through. What variables n...
macdopa Hello ALE. Is there any way to help us develop or program an algo-strategy for automatic tr...
Giuseppe68 Ciao, sono nuovo e poco esperto, volevo chiedere perchè il ProBacktest lo esegue correttamen...
Alai-n Merci pour ce travail...
patmaba merci Alai-n. C'est ma première participation sur prorealcode, merci pour à toi pour ton co...
longtrade Can this be converted to a screener?
swapping Oups nicolas ! je pense que tu a oublié de mettre les variables "setting" accessible en exte...
Nicolas Je viens de vérifier, elles y sont pourtant?
swapping Mea culpa, j'ai fait un bête (copier/coller) et forcément cela ne pouvait pas y être puisqu'...
Lydia1948 Hi I really like this indicator - is it easy to change the colour of the blue dots to say g...
Nicolas Lines 23 and 24 are the Red and Blue value between 0 to 255, you can change the color of the...
flodefacebook Merci Nicolas pour cet indicateur. Très utile dans une technique de retournement.
HeikinAshi thank you for this very interesting indicator Nicolas! did you define a tradable setup fo...
