Trading_En_El_Ibex35 El screener no busca acciones que estén en máximos absolutos , busca acciones en las que el...
Andraxx lo de volumen aceptable, lo dices en relación al Ibex 35 supongo. Porque se margen de volume...
Juanjo Hola Queria preguntarte si la idea de maximos anuales es tuya, o bien está basada en el sis...
juanj And the point of violation is the close of the candle that violates the line by generating a...
juanj For the latest version of the strategy or to follow updates and developments see the thread ...
phanz i backtested it with 10K units of EURUSD 1 hour i get an equity curve that is going one way ...
rejo007 hello david, i'll try it could you tell me wich strategy do you use in real? thanks
David Somogyi Hello, I have a couple of DAX strategies of breakout and mean reversion. I'll try to post...
Roberto Blázquez Hi David, I just saw your strategy and it's good!!! I'm going to try it from today in real a...
juanj To follow new developments or get the latest version of this strategy please visit the forum...
tahar Hello Juan, I wanted to test Universal Strategy via a demo account on PRT but nothing happen...
BravoDelta @juanj wondering if you may help me please. I am looking for a simply strategy to use on the...
Wing There's a few threads on the forum about backtest and live trades being different at times. ...
ET I agree with verdi55. As it is now, the code will only test for a breakout on the upside (li...
Philipjonasson are u still active Wing?
poonsl2828 Hi! Francesco I have test it on GBP/USD but it only have a trade on 9 Jun which i backtes...
ullle73 why not use 1h chart? has 95% hitrate
ullle73 i see most of positions are only 1 pip before exit?
imokdesign Hi Everybody, when I look at the strategy I felt the need to implement a Moneymanagement-Sy...
Inertia newlevel then multiplier=multiplier+1 oldlevel=newlevel newlevel=strategyprofit+startequi...
Inertia Hi Bjoern, I was playing around with your code this morning (EUR/USD 5'). Thank you to the...
JanWd Thank you for the coding, it seems promising. FTSE gives for the short term (5 min) promis...
Jan Wind 21.04.2019: I retested the strategy for the DAX 5 minutes , it works fine for 10.000 bars, b...
bertrandpinoy hello Francesco, are you still working on this strategy?
Samitha Prasanna Hi ALE, would you be able to provide the values for the below part of the code (time >=1...
Player Bonjour, J'ai testé cette stratégie sur EurUSD en 1 heures sur 10000 unités et le résultat ...
Player Vue du rapport du Backtest
Nicolas Restart your platform in order to be sure to use the last version, there was a version rollb...
bertrandpinoy bonjour voud pouvez m envoyer le code modifier par vous?
Nicolas Désolé , je ne comprends pas votre question.
Nicolas si il n'y a pas de stoploss définit dans le code, alors c'est normal :)
bertrandpinoy bonjour merci pour la réponse. Oui b sur ... est il possible que le SL soit coder sous une a...
Nicolas ok mais pourquoi poser la question ici ? Pour des questions non spécifique à cette article, ...
Abz  hi , you need to add the indicator from the "price" menu in chart
Francesco Thank you Abz!
phanz Hi Nicolas, this is an interesting strategy. For long position, I assume entry when prices ...
8 years ago
Elsborgtrading By adding the inside bar breakout failure candle, which is the next bar after the inside bar...
DegoodBoby very nice indicator but pls how can we use the indicator without the text (inside bar/brea...
ShaunG Hi Elsborgtrading thanks for this indicator. I was initially looking for a "IDnr4" which I c...
pascal3431 Salut Doc , Je ne vois pas ce qui fait office de stop dans ce code .. un retour dans le nua...
Doctrading Bonjour, Il s'agit juste d'une stratégie où on est toujours en position : soit à l'achat / ...
pascal3431 Bonjour, après quelques essais sur EUR/USD au M15 en rajoutant(car sinon on est en perte) u...
Doctrading Nice Job ! Here is my version of the code :  KBO = 0 Tenkansen = (highest[9](high)+lowe...
gefinance Thanks for this code. The only thing left missing is the time lapse, otherwise, lots of old...
danhei Hi I am tryong to figure out how trist strategy works. I am new to pro real time. Can some...
Plop61 Hello,Thank you for sharing this beautiful strategy.Is it possible to indicate the code for ...
NoName Thank you very much for this fascinating trading system. It is still proving to be extremely...
larouedegann best with this hour IF TIME =081000 THEN plushaut=highest[2](high) plusbas = lowest[2](lo...
CanAny1Trade Hi! I'm trying to put together a similar indicator but struggling. I want to mark the NY Pit...
ALE Hi Pat This code was nothing more than an experiment
pat95162 Hi Ale Do you have same results as me ? The strategy works very well in 2017 and now in 2-...
Nicolas Built on the history means that it suits the history. Always develop ideas in In-Sample peri...
