Gabriel_HO Hello, thank you for your indicator, it indicates well the gaps area, I am happy with it as...
geroniman super Ivan, excellent.Muchas Gracias.
5 years ago
7 years ago
GraHal Please forgive the daft question, but why is 3-bars-trailing-stop-williams-3.itf included a...
Kris75 Hi, Seems great but what would be the code for a stock ? Thanks, Chirs
oakenstream Paul, what is the best way in your opinion to know if I have over optimized?
bertrandpinoy BONJOUR PAUL impossible de tenter le trading automatique, PRT me dis que l instruction "GRAP...
Paul Bonjour, supprimez les lignes avec un "graph"
bertrandpinoy merci. vous l utiliser actuellment sur quel instrument vous? et quel timeframe? Merci
Nicolas Line 10: Volume of current candlestick must be at least 1.5 higher than the previous one and...
bibifricotin Bonjour Nicolas je viens d'essayer ce screener mais j'obtiens des résultats curieux .Aujourd...
Nicolas Décalage si compte gratuit fin de journée ?
9 years ago
Gaps screener
Gaps screener
jbox Bonjour,   Je souhaite affiché affiché les gap sur le graph des prix directement J'a...
owes29 Hi what do you find are the best settings for intraday trading regards Lee  
rille66 Hi doctrading. If you wan't to change the screener to register the gap open in realtime so y...
9 years ago
Blai5 CazaGaps
Blai5 CazaGaps
