sfl CAC on Weekly timeframe, long only, short dosent work. Defparam cumulateorders = false ...
superfalcio This kind of strategies coming from Connors research usually work well on timeframes from 1D...
AndyB72 Sbaglio o Short non fa nemmeno un'operazione ? Andare Long su SPY con la MM200 è praticament...
ProRealAlgos Hi Crusoe76. Do you mean that you would like a short version of this?
crusoe76 yes please
banjoo78 Hi, first of all thank you for your sharing. I'm new of ProRealTime and I can't replicate y...
ProRealAlgos Same here ;)
YvesRobert Hello, can someone explain this strategy because I don't understand what the program does ex...
andyfx79 l have been demoing for the past couple of weeks with great results , but during a bear mark...
superfalcio Hello, very interesting. Do you have already some tested condiction including timeframe and ...
7 years ago
jissey Bonjour Bolsatrilera, je trouve le cm rsi interessant, merci de l'avoir mis à disposition ! ...
bolsatrilera bonjour jissey, je n'ai aucune information sur ce que tu dis, je suis désolé.
Francesco78 @snucke the results are not the same because the pictures refers to a few years ago. I am no...
snucke @Francesco78 i mean the results differ when i test on my own. so im curious of what the p...
sfl still working, using with filters like : trendFilterUp=close>average[190](close) tren...
Derek Nice strategy. Have you tried adding a stop loss since there are a few sharp drawdowns? I ...
Piston_Broke Non so .... da qui la mia domanda iniziale :-)
Piston_Broke Hi Derek. I have tried many different ways to apply SL's to this and similar versions of th...
zilliq The reasons why I think it's time consuming and we loose time to try to do backests and Auto...
filiprb Hello Zilliq, You don't need a system to produce a walk forward test. You can easily create...
Philip Raphael It is incredible! Thanks for sharing, Doctrading!
Nicolas RSI is an oscillator made for price centering. This strategy bet on mean reverting phenomena...
air Good start. Works decently during stock runaway bull market. I have tested it over 80 year p...
TheHovisTrader Hi - the way Larry trades it does not work - discovered that over 10 years ago! BUT If you ...
