Iván Hi! just change line13 for this: showsignals=1
Quino Hi Excellent indicator as usual. Just 2 questions: Why LenH and LenL = 15 as Len could be...
Iván Hi! good question. This is a code request traslation from other platform. I took same inputs...
Faisalx Hola Ivan. Thanks for your great job. I would appreciate if you have look at my request http...
roccafragius Thank you for all these useful information!! Very great job Ivan! THank you so much
geroniman Merci Ivan, super travail. On peut toujours compter sur toi pour apporter des innovations su...
GustavoLoboOrenstein Is it possible to add histogram with only increasing bars?
HeikinAshi https://www.prorealcode.com/topic/ssl-channel/
jobswaps oyes aste uno de soportes y recistencias
jobswaps eso lo necesitamos
manchokcity can we have it in mql4 platform? or how or which platform do we use it?
camporan I don't use MetaTrader so I won't be able to do the translation myself. Sorry!
Alexander9 This can for amibroker ? . Thanks
winnie37 yes. "No ground breaking math here, but I am finding very useful and some algo based on it i...
Jan Wind Also interesting to know what does not work, which set up you use, saves me investigating ! ...
winnie37 i just set the proorder like this: buy when 50/100/200 phase >0 and sell when under 0, go...
Leo I don't know, I just copy paste the strategy. The optimisation of the values I wrote them in...
bertrandpinoy hello Leo I'm spending time on your strategy code. do you agree to try to include this code ...
bertrandpinoy //version a: ajout filtre MM defparam cumulateorders=false // --- paramètres taille =...
tradingpro salve io faccio spread trading e volevo sapere come impostare un profitto da chiudere in a...
Nicolas Per favore non fare domande generali, non correlate al post. Usa invece il forum.
Bard Incredible, that is the clearest depiction of the trend I've ever seen Nicolas. (I just chan...
Lyam Pareil ne marche pas dommage
ahmedbouaziz89 Bonjour, quand j'ajoute le code ou le fichier dans l'outils screeners de Prorealtime je ne v...
tyvix Bonjour le code marche bien c est juste qu'il n y a pas d opportunité au moment ou vous le...
Andres Uffff, I didn't adjust the different index spreads. With the heavy spread of Italy It's nega...
davidp13 Good day. I know this was posted such a long time ago, but I though rebuilding the system on...
davidp13 Also to note that the one position in my code does not close the other, which as far as I kn...
