elcortijoverde Gracias Iván,...sigo tus videos en Youtube. Ya estoy con la V12 y se descarga, pero algo est...
elcortijoverde Bueno, ya aparecen las velas, pero ahora, cada fin de vela aparece un nuevo pronóstico y no ...
Roger Gracias por compartir, pero no tengo ninguna predicción. @Ivan @elcortijoverde ¿qué modifica...
Finning Hi JuanJ, just a question about the tollerance*pointsize. I know what it is/what it does (in...
JOKAMAURICE Hi I am looking to number bars in a chart to ease analysis. Any idea if a program has been d...
goldenfish67 Hi guys just copied the code but I keep getting an error message: "Line 15 one of the fo...
4 years ago
herke036 For the question how to fill the variables a,b,c,d,e,f,g, x and y? a,b,c,d,e,f,g is selecti...
herke036 In your code I see If onmarket = 0 and Type22 = 1 and hora1 and hora2 Then If InsideBar[1]...
UkDownUnder How do we apply this to a strategy we have made, Thanks
idunnomuch IS this working in the latest version of prorealtime? I get the indicator, but not over my c...
bernardmorel egalement apparait en dessous du graphique mais vide
bernardmorel Bonjour est t il possible de remettre en ligne the strat car il y a une indication qui d...
ferros bonjour , super votre indicateur!!!! est-il possible de l'avoir en histograme +1 /-1 por en...
Globalmarkets79 Thank you Vonasi for the answer. I have an other question. When i tried to run the indicator...
Vonasi Lines is either 0 or 1 to turn on or off the drawing of them. Once again if you download and...
Globalmarkets79 Thank you Vonasi, this indicator is very helpful!!!
Dari when I put the indicator does not put it on the price, sn in a new box like many indicators....
Nicolas by adding it on price instead. Use the wrench on the left upper side of your price chart.
Kris75 Hi, This is great !! anyone ever developped a strategy about it ???
swapping hello Kris75, not that I know but it is possible to make a scenario ;)
digitation Hi swapping, Thanks for sharing this useful tool. I was wondering how difficult it would be...
AlexWoe89 Hi, thanks for the code. Do you have an idea, if you can also draw pre-market data on char...
Thomas Hello swapping. Very good idea. Can I use and modify the code? I would like to add a few mor...
Razz Hello swapping the indicator is very good! Can you tell me how I can add 2 lines in the dist...
swapping Hello wanjpt, I do not see how to do it because the calculation is for 12 candles of 5mn onl...
wanjpt Thanks swapping.
Thomas @wanjpt https://www.prorealcode.com/prorealtime-indicators/opening-range-eur-with-close-and...
Jan Wind Thanks for the indicator. Seems to indicate the start of the short term trend quite well, ...
finplus bonjour, il y a un problème à la fin du code avec elsif (close 0 then ... ne manque t il pas...
kj1988 Hello Nicolas, thank you for this useful indicator. Could you tell me how I can remove the...
Nicolas remove lines 101 to 103
