LucioleLucide Clean view, thanks for sharing
dertopen hi where i can found the window for candle configuration?
paolosab69 Ciao! . I have seen the pictures that explain this metod but i don't understand when is mome...
Brisvegas Thats Awesome thank you
Vinks_o_7 Thanks Vonasi !
ALE Very Very Nice
manel Hi - Many thanks for this and your other analytical codes, stellar work - very useful ! With...
Vonasi Good idea Manel. I have posted a new version here that shows results as a percentage: https:...
DanT01 Hi Nicolas, great work! Is it possible to contact you to help with a couple of indicators? T...
Nicolas Assistance is free on forums. For private job, you can contact me with the trading programmi...
Anonymous Thank you! I was reading the book Beyond Technical Analysis and wanted to try to coding RAV...
Juan Salas Hi FULVIO09, Nice piece of work. It seems to work very well. Does only work for INDEXES??...
Johann Hi @FULVI09, I understand the instructions however I'm not too sure how to determine the "p...
Player8520 Hello, It doesn't work with me either. However, I changed AA to 180 on line 15, added th...
ullle73 nicolas, can you somehome make this to be in the background of the price chart?
jonpt88 none did that yet right?
Nicolas You can ask for a code modification on forums, please open a new topic with your request.
7 years ago
Trinity Impulse
Trinity Impulse
ribou ah d'accord merci beaucoup
domenico nlevel1 non modifica la curva al variare del suo valore
tiger_man_no1 Very nice ; what is the best period input date for DAILY CHART ?
imokdesign Hi Everybody, when I look at the strategy I felt the need to implement a Moneymanagement-Sy...
Inertia newlevel then multiplier=multiplier+1 oldlevel=newlevel newlevel=strategyprofit+startequi...
Inertia Hi Bjoern, I was playing around with your code this morning (EUR/USD 5'). Thank you to the...
fabio407 Thanks, Nicolas. Very useful. Would you tell me where to find what result conveys the functi...
Nicolas This is not an instruction of the programming language but a variable from this indicator (l...
fabio407 OK. I didn't notice it. Many thanks, Nicolas!
Wilko And not only readable.... makes it much easier to iterate different entry/exit-conditions, d...
IGOSNELL Hi Interesting strategy, when I used $ M-R Dif EURUSD M15 Long if does not enter any positi...
ilvillans HI, I modified the system, from good results but from this error: Replace the variables wit...
Nicolas si il n'y a pas de stoploss définit dans le code, alors c'est normal :)
bertrandpinoy bonjour merci pour la réponse. Oui b sur ... est il possible que le SL soit coder sous une a...
Nicolas ok mais pourquoi poser la question ici ? Pour des questions non spécifique à cette article, ...
julien1978 The ADR value that is plotted intraday does not match the value of the regular ATR indicator...
Fab666 I've tried to get a fix for this also but no luck, it doesn't print the correct data as far ...
Seabiscuit Hi! With the new PRT update, this indicator does not work anymore
Doctrading Hello,  The strategy should be improved, no doubt. But it was just one of my ideas, which h...
ALEALE Yes Nicolas is very difficult, macro economic data can destroy any work!!  
styrke depends which.. I personally think that it's much more easier to trade on XBTUSD, try to co...
David Thanks for the explanation Nicolas.
freecat1899 Hello, I wanted to create a percent ADR based on this indicator, so I wrote this code that I...
revstrat At first glance, I see this mistake. You shouldn't average the highs and the lows. You shoul...
GraHal Ooops got that excited I sent that last one twice! ha (and can't delete it, sorry) I got it...
Eric n = 3  dont forget to allow 3 contract in proorder
UkCoopDownUnder Tried EURUSD GMT and GMT -1, as far back as I can go, Nov 2018 on 15mn Tf, 22% loss
