JohnScher I've been looking for this for a long time! A very big thank you to you.
Nupsator hi, looks very interesting, i imported the indicator and inserted it into a 1h chart. Unfort...
Ciccarelli Franco Lo trovo interessante, ma non riesco a scaricarlo. Chi mi può aiutare?
ipbvba idem ne fonctionne pas sur V11 (meme avec real time data), import OK mais aucune courbe dans...
Ciccarelli Franco I'm new to the Market, I imported the code, but I don't see anything, there is an empty box ...
tradermikey Is the available for v12?
ALE Very Very Nice
manel Hi - Many thanks for this and your other analytical codes, stellar work - very useful ! With...
Vonasi Good idea Manel. I have posted a new version here that shows results as a percentage: https:...
Vonasi No problem pableitor - I'm glad you like it.
pableitor Hi Vonasi, I was checking a few random weeks with your indicator and sometimes it seems to ...
Vonasi I have not checked your query on a chart but my guess is that you are reading the indicator ...
Vonasi Thanks for the compliments ALE. If you use any results from it in a strategy then please sha...
CKW this is Awesome tool. thanks Vonasi
Vonasi ....and thank you for the compliment CKW.
Reiner great work:-)
Vonasi Thanks Reiner. that is compliments indeed from the seasonality expert. I have a second vers...
Sagal Hi Vonasi, Can it be presented as a 1 year graph displaying a 5 year average or 10 year aver...
Yannick TradingDayLong = dayofweek = 1 or dayofweek = 2 or dayofweek = 3 or dayofweek = 4 or dayof...
Marlon Hey JohnScher, your code works fine, but my results aren't as good as yours. Even if I use ...
DarioMazza Bha... this code dont work. gg
9 years ago
Nicolas You should join and read the forum thread about this strategy. There are plenty of different...
Reiner Hi djtaktik and welcome, I have answered your question in the related Pathfinder forum beca...
danver34 is this version the definitive one or from the original one have there been modifications to...
