emism12 Looks great, personally I don't use automated trading for single stocks, but is definitely o...
adconsulting Ciao, I look that the strategy (backtest 50 k), works very good wiht US 500 CASH 1 EURO in...
Kev Monaghan The equity curve looks to follow the stock price almost perfectly, Have you tested on stock ...
mickey992 salut merci pour ton partage et ton travaille
patapouf Hi Vivien René I just discovered your “Ordered trend-following stocks Screener”. Great work...
RobertFX Works fine
Kees Pols great tool! Thank you
tush1822 appreciate your post mate!! it helped me.
fredfilm Hi Nicolas, how could we add a price screen to this? eg stock prices between $1 to $3 etc
Mully Bonjour, est ce que quelqu'un sait comment ajouter les niveaux de résistances / supports su...
Nicolas Il s'agit de l'indicateur "volume par niveau de prix" disponible par défaut dans la plateforme.
Actabi Thank you ! Have you realised your "next step" ?
Jessar guten Tag, gibt es bereits die Aktualisierte Datei?
Per Inge Gents - An update - I have been studying various trading approaches, as this one that is bas...
Gianluca thank you very nice screener
Vonasi An interesting idea that was easily turned into a strategy on a shorter time frame that appe...
Stenozar Hi Vonasi, is it possible for you to share your code here? thanks in advance
Vonasi Sorry Stenozar. I have only really spent an hour or so on this strategy so far and it is far...
bertrandpinoy BONJOUR PAUL impossible de tenter le trading automatique, PRT me dis que l instruction "GRAP...
Paul Bonjour, supprimez les lignes avec un "graph"
bertrandpinoy merci. vous l utiliser actuellment sur quel instrument vous? et quel timeframe? Merci
pata_tony Hi, i'm not able to see the indicator. Could you please help me? Thanks
Nicolas This is not an indicator but a screener, to be used with the ProScreener module.
JOKAMAURICE Le programme ne se charge pas dans PRT
