eckaw Hi Nicolas, I'm using this indicator when there is confluence over 3 different timeframes (5...
Nicolas Yes it is indeed possible. Create a topic in the screener forum and explain what you need an...
KyleReed i've been using this for a few days now and it's really helped me a lot in timing the execut...
7 years ago
Maxime Baudin Interesting, Thank you! :)
franck-david Bonjour Nicolas , actuellement je me forme grace a vos videos tres tres bien expliques mer...
Nicolas Merci. ça n'est pas le lieu pour poser ce genre de question :) Merci d'utiliser le forum Pro...
7 years ago
Genotik Merci !
8 years ago
T3 Velocity
T3 Velocity
tatankayotanka As you can do to set a marker directly in the price property page and then view it such as m...
Nicolas It may be a good idea to discuss this in the forum instead. Please open a new topic in probu...
Wester Hi, is this more or less the same as the TTM Squeeze indicator (john carter)
