emism12 Looks great, personally I don't use automated trading for single stocks, but is definitely o...
adconsulting Ciao, I look that the strategy (backtest 50 k), works very good wiht US 500 CASH 1 EURO in...
Kev Monaghan The equity curve looks to follow the stock price almost perfectly, Have you tested on stock ...
BoutDePain Here is the updated screener with variables that are more understandable:
BoutDePain https://www.prorealcode.com/topic/three-line-breakouts/#post-155918
haimpinto Hi What should be added in the code in order to limit the price range of the shares it disp...
Francesco78 Hi CKW, yes I do run it live, and so far I had no problem, which kind of errors?
JohnScher Hello Francesco. Are you still active with the Threeliner? I also follow that, that you ...
fatlung Hi Francesco May I know the time zone applicable to this strategy?
finplus bonjour, il y a un problème à la fin du code avec elsif (close 0 then ... ne manque t il pas...
kj1988 Hello Nicolas, thank you for this useful indicator. Could you tell me how I can remove the...
Nicolas remove lines 101 to 103
