jens_kittner Since 2018 this strategy leads to bankruptcy)))))))
Jan Wind You do not HAVE to run it
Brisvegas As an exersize in writing code its fine but as a tool to make money not so much . If you hap...
EchnatonX Hallo Im Demomodus bei IG habe ich das Problem, dass oft keine Orders ausgeführt werden kön...
Jan EchnatonX, nice late answer of me: Make the stop loss a percentage of the close, like 100/...
guleny Hello I made some optimization to make it better. But there are 5 transacttion which incr...
Doctrading AH ok, I think the ca3 is the same : ca3 = pB[1] < 0.2 and pB < 0.2 Best regards,
chromosome21 Hello everybody, First, thank you so much for all your advices, I'm a begginer in trading a...
bertrandpinoy bonjour j ai un probleme avec ce code modifié, apparement PRT ne veut pas...avez vous une so...
