Stenozar Hi Ivan, I can visualize only the central orange line but not the others, do you know why?...
2 years ago
3 years ago
DELBERT Bonsoir , Nicolas , j'ai transféré votre indicateur sur ma PRT 10,3 et j'ai un méssage d'ére...
Nicolas Vous pouvez essayer en remplacant la ligne avec: vwapsd = sqrt(average[lengthz](square(clo...
DELBERT Bonsoir , merci Nicolas , a bientôt .
3 years ago
Jigsaw20000 Bonjour, Je voudrais mettre le liens du code en format .itf mais je n'y arrive pas , quelqu'...
Corto78 Il faut aller dans la liste des ProBacktest & Trading Automatique (là ou tu as créer ton...
Malloc Bonjour, Votre système a l'air intéressant et prometteur mais en l'état il est inutilisable...
Monobrow Hi Daniele Thank you for the indicator, it looks very good. However, I have a problem so...
Anonymous Thanks very much for sharing, look forward to testing this idea out.
mathiasKN Thank you Daniele for making this script, I know its been some time since the release but wo...
GARNIEPI hello I am looking for an anchored vwap intraday, indicator which allows you to visualize th...
withoutwings To be able to flexibly wrap around the full 24h (i.e. past midnight), or to use just a singl...
arnaudat Merci nicolas, j'ai déjà pris cette version et en plus je suis sur les futures. Par contre d...
ullle73 hi nicolas, when im making a strategy out of this i get the error "PRC_VWAP z-score" called ...
Nicolas Please open a new topic in the ProOrder forum section and post the code there in order to ch...
Nicolas Better to download the file from the page and import it into your platform in order to not c...
marcov66 Hi Nicolas, thanks for sharing the VWAP Date Indicator. It is really powerful. Nevertheless,...
Nicolas Are you sure you are using the same exact date, hours, minutes, seconds for anchor?
BERTJES82 Hi Nicolas, is it possible to adjust the starting date of the VWAP on the charts? Thanks in ...
Nicolas Yes, have a look there:
Dadoo Merci Nicolas!
9 years ago
Nicolas You will find the VWAP code from PRT here:
keks Thanks for sharing this wonderful code. Is there a way to draw a horizontal line to plot pre...
taklause Hello, just one question, can it be that this indicator does not work on ProRealTime v12? T...
