supertiti Bel outil si on ne se tape pas sur les doigts avec ! Comment ajoute-on une image avec le co...
Monobrow Hi Daniele Thank you for the indicator, it looks very good. However, I have a problem so...
Anonymous Thanks very much for sharing, look forward to testing this idea out.
mathiasKN Thank you Daniele for making this script, I know its been some time since the release but wo...
GARNIEPI hello I am looking for an anchored vwap intraday, indicator which allows you to visualize th...
withoutwings To be able to flexibly wrap around the full 24h (i.e. past midnight), or to use just a singl...
Zigo Normaly it do work in version 11.
bertrandpinoy Hello to all, please does a coder can bring the indication of the price level on the chart o...
Zigo @bertrandpinoy add between line 50 and 51 : drawtext("#dnh#",barindex,low-2.618*AverageTrue...
