24 June 24 – Cannot Login to PRT

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProRealTime platform support 24 June 24 – Cannot Login to PRT

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  • #234285

    Cant login to any of my Accounts (12:48 24 Jun 24, Demo and Live);  I downloaded a new Launcher, no different.

    Anybody else getting above also??

    Nothing for it … I’ll have to go and sit in the sun!!! 😉


    Logged in about 6.00am this morning, only issue, dropped connection about 15 minutes ago 12:45:00 ish, came back within a minute. IG demo. Still in!


    if you close the platform it can no longer be opened, both live and demo


    It JUST worked for me, so hopefully it’s sorted for everybody now??


    Yes, everything is ok now
    Thank you

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