3D Candlesticks TOPIC

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support 3D Candlesticks TOPIC

  • This topic has 61 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by avatarBard.
Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 62 total)
  • #75606


    this is Topic to ask more informations about the 3D CANDLE indicator

    This simple indicator, allows to interpret the values of the oscillator selected through the colors on the candlesticks and directly on the price chart.
    I have proposed the classical oscillators with canonical colors.

    You can also translate the 3d candle under the original to maintain both.

    You can choose the following oscillators:

    • RSI
    • CYCLE

    Settings are modified at the top of the code or directly into the indicator’s settings window if you choose to download and importe the file below.



    2 users thanked author for this post.

    what do u mean “more information”, what is this?


    Hello Jebus89
    I’ve update the topic..




    No worries to discuss it here, much preferred discussions in the forums than in posts’comments.

    Thank you ALE, I found your indicator very visual and useful.



    Thank you Nicolas,
    @Jebus don’t hesitate to ask me more informations, it’s a pleasure!


    Hola Alessandro

    Can we have this same code from Nicolas’s code in smoothed heikin Ashi?

    thanks you





    is it ok?



    Good evening Alessandro

    I made a simple copy / paste code and added the parameters variables but I have a black screen!

    Could you offer us this code in .itf

    I do not see where I made the mistake!

    thank you




    Yes of course but, Should be attached


    Sorry as often I went by without seeing anything!

    thank you very much for your help, good job

    good night


    graphe of Sacyr


    It seem very interesting, what’s this?


    Hello Alessandro

    Are you talking about Sacyr society or ALE-style Heikin Ashi graphic?




    I’m talking about Sacyr society 😉


    I live in Spain so I am looking also the Spanish market, Sacyr (formerly Sacyr Vallehermoso) is a builder of the country, he intervenes on big building sites like Bouygues in France for example.

    They work on the Panama Canal development among other things. The company is politically involved (as too often for builders!) And is in trouble with the courts in

    this moment.

    all this creates volatility that can be exploited on the stock market



Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 62 total)

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