3D Candlesticks TOPIC

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support 3D Candlesticks TOPIC

  • This topic has 61 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by avatarBard.
Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 62 total)
  • #116114

    Is it possible to display the colours as a line instead to reduce the noise of the candlesticks? I´ve tried to simply change the “DRAWCANDLE” to “DRAWLINE” in the indicators code but it doesn´t seem to work.

    I would like to have a simple line that changes colour like the candles does.

    Thank you.


    Where do you want that line to appear? on the price chart or below it?


    On the price chart


    ok so we must anchor that line to something, to follow the price, any idea?


    What do you mean?  Is it not possible to simply anchor to a standard line chart?


    oh I see now what you want. Use this version of the code:

    and set your price setting to a line (otherwise you will still see the normal candlestick of the price chart).


    This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you for the quick help Nicolas!


    Hi there,

    I used a customised RSI Dominant Cycle and standard RSI but although the code looks okay (?), when I launched it on the price chart it now sits just below the current prices/candlesticks?
    So I have two price series candlesticks, one green/white and the other the 3D candles! Any ideas? For those without the code it’s on this forum somewhere but here it is:




    All indicators sit below the price chart if you don’t apply them ON THE PRICE CHART 😉


    Oh I see now what you mean.. sorry. The candlesticks must have Open/High/Low/Close as reference to perfectly match the ones from the platform. So there must be something that explain this offset in the 3D candlesticks code you are using!

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    I know I’m a veteran “newbie” coder but even I figured out the 3D needs to be applied to the Price chart! 😀 I commented out the “Dominant Cycle RSI” code just now and left the generic RSI code and it looks great! (pls see screenshot – this image shows the generic RSI working okay)

    Problem is my DC RSI is applied to the Close but still sits below the price series? Can you see anything in my DC RSI code that looks like it could be causing this problem? When I try Settings: Apply to Low or any other combination like (H+L+C)/3 the extra price series of candles doesn’t respond and stays in exactly the same position?

    Cheers Nicolas.


    If I need to reference the O/C/H/L when I’m using myRSI = RSI [DC] (close) and HPPrice= close which also refernces the closing price (from Ehler’s Dominant Cycle indicator), I’m still not sure how to go about this to get it to work? I mean, “close” is already referenced, so what’s the problem?



    This setting fixes overlapping On Price candles: TransRange =0.0001 (instead of default setting = 0.01)

    Hi @Nicolas, can you figure out why this warning comes up (pls see screnshot) when I add an implied volatility indicator to the 3D, code even though I have added the parameters [22,60] into that 3D candle code?

    Much appreciated,

    Cheers Bard


    Why are you calling it twice? Once with no parameters which would give an error and then with the correct parameters. Delete line 1.


    Thanks Vonasi, Line 1 was actually buried far higher up in my indicator code but I should have spotted this in my posting above. Line 1 has been removed.

    Now my indicator “Implied Volatility Stochastic” actually in fact has 7 values returned (at the end of it’s code) but I only made two of them actual variables, [22, 60]. However now the warning is now telling me that the “Implied Volatility Stochastic” returns 7 values but your code needs 1.

    One? Shouldn’t it be two, as in [22, 60]?

    And if it is one value which do I use, 22 or 60?


Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 62 total)

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