7 or 14 day indicator to help with minimizing drawdown exposure

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support 7 or 14 day indicator to help with minimizing drawdown exposure

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  • #236335

    Hello fellow speculators,

    Can anyone recommend an indicator that helps to reduce market entries when the market takes a big dip into drawdown over a 7 or 14 day period.

    As always any helps or advice appreciated.

    Best of luck in your own trading endeavors.





    The DrawDown is calculated on trades, so indicators need to simulate trades to be able to calculate it.

    I’ll code an example later today.




    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Thank you Roberto.


    I remember reading a year or two ago about overlaying your past trading system history performance over the top of your current system to highlight any potential weaknesses or drawdowns.

    Apologies I’ve just rejoined the forum is this still viable ?

    Many thanks in advance.



    No problem Kovit, this is the code of a strategy that you can backtest and it will show you (with GRAPH) the DrawDown:

    in the strategy you can use MaxDD to make decisions on what to do with your trades. The attached pic X shows that the DrawDown is almost equal to that of the backtest (just a few euros, due to rounding, I guess).

    This is the same code (which simulates the same trades) to be used as an indicator:


    in this case the DrawDown shows a significant difference (as from attached pic Y), due to slippage and exit at the closing of a bar.




    1 user thanked author for this post.

    I am attaching the ITF files for both the Indicator and Strategy.


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