@ Joachim- you are right if the orders are placed at the same time- But if orders are accumulated. they can be closed individually- but still as a basket. 3 positions at 9:00 and 3 positions at 10:00- can be closed as 3 positions at whatever you want, and after that the next 3 when ever you want.
if an automated strategy places a market buy order- and I manually places a Stop order above the price. Once reached- the Market buy order is cancelled- right? I remember you had this behaviour as a problems when manually trading in the same market as your Proorder, Grahal. your opposite orders closed your automated strategy position- because force open was disabled 🙂
So I was thinking if I accumulated 3 orders in which order will they be closed?
I made a test of it manually. placed 1+1+1 buy order, and then hit the sell botton 3 times. it was first in- first out- so I guess it also apply on automated strategy.
Cheers Kasper