Algo against the trend…ouch
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- This topic has 25 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by
05/24/2017 at 8:11 PM #36593
Dear Traders,
Kindly allow me to share the following:
My 2 very simple strategies (Long only – UT 10 sec and UT 10 mn) showed relatively great results on the back test, tick by tick, 200.000 bars and 1 pt as per the spread (9:00 to 17:30) on PRT 10.3, no 0 bars on the report … so I’d put it on real on the DAX 1EUR contract, since May 9th 2017…And guess what ? It doesn’t work as expected and I lost a bit of money… well 22% of my small portfolio. No worries, I will recover 😉
Here is my deduction – Correct me if I am wrong PLEASE: “Algos”, what ever it is or complicated they are, should be started in the same direction as the major trend. Yeah I was probably to excited to refrain myself no to give it a go !
So today I have changed a bit my desktop (attached to this message) to manage this/ my issue.
You can see the Dax + the chart of Siemens (most weighted stock of the Dax – all UT on daily + HA candle style…)
The result is pretty clear: I pressed the STOP button today on Pro order Auto Trading before my account explodes…
I red in this forum that multiple UT would be available ? This could be the solution to my issue I suppose…
Any thoughts would be more than welcome !
Thank you and have a good WE !
And great forum by the way.
05/24/2017 at 8:29 PM #3659505/25/2017 at 4:13 AM #36603That is a low timeframe you are using, and you are placing many trades per day. Higher timeframes will tend to have more signals versus noise, and be less ‘competitive’.
I don’t know what your backtest looked like, or how you optimized your systems, but that is where the culprit could be. You must also factor in randomness. With 9 wins and 18 losses, can you really judge the system yet? If chance of winning trade is around 50 %… flip a coin 27 times and you may very well end up with at least 18 heads. In fact, the chance of that happening is 6%+. Since markets and systems do not behave entirely random, wins or losses can tend to come in groups, so the chance is even higher. Double the amount of test trades/coin flips to 54, and the chance of 36 or more heads is below 1%
Of course, as mentioned above, it is good to first test systems on a demo account.
And yes, systems are usually improved if you introduce some trend filters so you have the market in a good direction.
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05/25/2017 at 5:24 AM #3660405/25/2017 at 5:42 AM #36607Dear Wing,
It absolutely personal but I do believe that you can make monthly money in trading only in using UTs equal or under 15mn. Higher than that, it might be mostly consider as an “investor”. Why not ? no worries about that…;) Maybe I am wrong…But yes, perhaps 10sec it’s quiet small…let’s see.
The strategy is with 2 ema 150 and 450 (filters) 1 osc that is suppose to trigger that strategy above a specific level, 1 stoploss and 1 target…that’s it. Both strategies are mostly the same…
05/25/2017 at 10:19 AM #36612Hi DJ
I trade 1 min timeframe with entries / exits on 6 sec TF, but on manual trading. I’ve tried bots on 1 min and 10 seconds but got similar results to yourself. I put it down to my inability to code everything in that I take into account with my eyes.
My entries / exits are dependent on market structure … hh, hl, ll, lh, reversal patterns, support. resistance, elliott waves, retracement etc … all the factors that are very difficult to code up?
So often when analysing bot trades I think, as an example … if only the bot knew that short was opened a few points off a 61.8 fib reversal (from a high) … and so I manual close the bot with a small loss (£2 – £3) to prevent a bigger loss,
What is the max number of bars and min number of bars that your 10 second bot trades … better still do a screen shot of No of Bars sorted max top and min top.
Or better still add your code on here using the <> icon. I’d love to try it … I’m a keen short timeframe trader … rightly or wrongly, it suits my personality! 🙂
GraHalPS You could even email me your Bot via Nicolas if you wish? It’s okay I try some ‘whacky stuff’ in my Bots and often I don’t want to defend my whackiness publicly! 🙂 Maybe we are a couple of Mavericks?? 🙂 🙂 🙂
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05/25/2017 at 3:57 PM #3664105/25/2017 at 5:30 PM #36645Looking at your screengrabs of max and min number of bars it would seem to suggest that if your bot is not in profit within a few 10 sec bars (few = ??) then you may as well exit anyway? You have loads of £9 wins within 4 or 5 mins of running.
I run of 1 min bot off here (I tweaked some variables) and if it takes off in profit within a few seconds then it does well, if not then it drifts down to eventually close at a loss … like a lot of yours are doing?
Okay maybe on Backtest max profit is seen by stop loss settings you (and I) are running, but I’ve come round to thinking I prefer less stress, even if less profit overall! Quick wins put me in a good mood for the day! 🙂 🙂
Just a few thoughts anyway
PS I’ll (try) and do what I suggest above with the 1 min bot I run and let you know.05/25/2017 at 7:20 PM #3665212345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637// Définition des paramètres du codeDEFPARAM CumulateOrders = False // Cumul des positions désactivéDEFPARAM Preloadbars = 10000// Annule tous les ordres en attente et ferme toutes les positions à 0:00, puis empêche toute création d'ordre avant l'heure "FLATBEFORE".DEFPARAM FLATBEFORE = 090000// Annule tous les ordres en attente et ferme toutes les positions à l'heure "FLATAFTER"DEFPARAM FLATAFTER = 170000// Empêche le système de placer des ordres pour entrer sur le marché ou augmenter la taille d'une position avant l'heure spécifiéetimeEnterBefore = time >= 090000// Empêche le système de placer des ordres pour entrer sur le marché ou augmenter la taille d'une position après l'heure spécifiéetimeEnterAfter = time < 170000// Empêche le système de placer de nouveaux ordres sur les jours de la semaine spécifiésdaysForbiddenEntry = OpenDayOfWeek = 6 OR OpenDayOfWeek = 0// Conditions pour ouvrir une position acheteuseindicator1 = Williams[5](close)c1 = (indicator1 CROSSES OVER -50)indicator2 = Williams[5](close)c2 = (indicator2 > indicator2[3])indicator3 = ExponentialAverage[450](close)c3 = (close > indicator3)indicator4 = ExponentialAverage[150](close)indicator5 = ExponentialAverage[150](close)c4 = (indicator4 > indicator5[2])IF (c1 AND c2 AND c3 AND c4) AND timeEnterBefore AND timeEnterAfter AND not daysForbiddenEntry THENBUY 1 CONTRACT AT MARKETENDIF// Stops et objectifsSET STOP pLOSS 19SET TARGET pPROFIT 905/25/2017 at 7:41 PM #36657Correct…The idea behind this (scalping) strategy is to capture the “explosion”. Only small TF can sufficiently break down the data to catch the acceleration.
Correct again…after couple of bars, thank you to your analysis, better exit for new opportunities …
I just took the liberty to attached the DAX of today in 3 different time frame ’10sec, 1mn and 10 mn. As we are all working on “BarClose”, and we try to enter and exit like highly qualify neurological surgeon doc 😉 in the market, yes indeed I do prefer 10 sec up to 1 mn bar chart ;). It feets my style too…Woohoo.
So from my side I’ll see what I can add to this strategy…SAR or EMA or SuperTrend to exit nice and clean…Let’s see.
Thx Grahal
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05/25/2017 at 8:41 PM #36662You may like a change and spend time trying to get clean swift exits after explosions on a new bot? Import attached .itf file and see results attached for 100,000 bars. Even if set DEFPARAM CumulateOrders = False so as not to accumulate orders it is still respectable performance.
I have tried to get the Author to cough up 🙂 his Short version of the code, but he’s not on here much these days. If you are any good maybe you can make a short version?
I am thinking of moving towards two versions generally rather than long and short sides in same version. Reason – when in a clear uptrend I can launch the Long version and vice versa … I think it be less stressful?? 🙂
Just maybe Nicolas (or another skilled Developer) may spot this and weave his magic on GForton code attached to make a short version?? I have to admit, although I squeezed more profit out of it than Glen Forton, my head gets in a spin trying to understand it all enough to make a short version.
Attached is on Dax 1 min btw and a 2 point spread as a worst case scenario,
GraHal1 user thanked author for this post.
05/26/2017 at 4:24 PM #36718GraHal,
I had this strategy copied in PRT from the forum – Thank you to the author – and just tried it in 1mn TF… instead of TH 12hr… Can you try it from your side please ???
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//TF a 12 h//dax min 1 Eur.//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//TAKE PROFIT NEAR ZERO IN ORDER TO NOT ACCUMULATE TOO MUCH//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//IF NOT ON MARKET TRY TO ENTER AGAIN AS SOON A CORRECTION APPEARS, TRYING TO FOLLOW//THE POTENTIAL CURRENT UPTREND//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//IF I BOUGHT THE PREVIOUS BAR DON'T BUY THE FOLLOWING BAR IN ORDER TO NOT ACCUMULATE TOO MUCH//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//MAIN PARAMETER IN ORDER TO CHANGE THE RISK LEVEL ARE://acc----> % of decrease of the instrument compared to the last buy price (THE LOWER IS AND MORE// RISK AND CASH RETURN WILL APEEAR)//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//tp-----> % beyond which the entire position is closed (THE HIGHER IS AND MORE// RISK AND CASH RETURN WILL APEEAR) - below zero is safer !//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//MONEY MANAGENT "ANTIMARTINGALA" STYLE - I SUPPOSE CLEARER RESULTS ON A LONGER PERIOD OF BACKTEST//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DEFPARAM cumulateorders = trueTIMEWORK = 070000TIMESTOP = 210000acc = 5if justone = 0 thencapital = 10000 * pointvaluejustone = 1endifperccap = 0.5margin = 0.5 * close * pointvalue / 100period=5stdev=STD[period](close)//LOOK FOR A LOCAL VOLATILITY DECREASE//I WANT TO BUY AGAIN ONLY WHEN BEAR MARKET SHOWS A LOCAL PAUSEif (stdev[0]+stdev[1]+stdev[2]+stdev[3]+stdev[4]) < (stdev[1]+stdev[2]+stdev[3]+stdev[4]+stdev[5]) thenSWBUY=1elseSWBUY=0ENDIFIF TIME > TIMEWORK AND TIME < TIMESTOP THENif not onmarket thensizebuy = ROUND((capital *perccap /100)/ margin)tp = 0.25IF CLOSE < CLOSE[1] THENBUY sizebuy SHARES AT MARKETendifendifif LONGONMARKET thenperf = (close - POSITIONPRICE)/POSITIONPRICE * 100if perf > tp thenSELl AT MARKETperfc = (close - POSITIONPRICE) * POINTVALUE * COUNTOFPOSITIONcapital = capital + PERFCELSEIF LASTBARBUY = 0 THENif (((CLOSE-TRADEPRICE)/TRADEPRICE)*100) < -acc AND SWBUY=1 thensizebuy = ROUND((capital *perccap /100)/ margin)BUY sizebuy SHARES AT MARKETLASTBARBUY = 1ENDIFELSELASTBARBUY = 0ENDIFENDIFENDIFENDIF05/26/2017 at 4:41 PM #3671905/26/2017 at 5:46 PM #36723I think it keeps trades open (thro ups and downs) until it reaches some pre-set profit level?? The Strategy equity curve follows the Price Curve?? How would we sleep during the big drawdowns?? 🙂
Should line 28 be corrected to this …
1If justone = 0 then1 user thanked author for this post.
05/27/2017 at 9:49 AM #36743Hi Inertia,
We have edited your previous message to format it for you with PRT code
>> For clarity of messages on ProRealCode’s forums, please use the “<>” button (insert PRT code) to separate the text part from the code part! Thank you <<
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