Another bug! in back testing this time

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support Another bug! in back testing this time

  • This topic has 15 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 1 week ago by avatardruby.
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  • #234194

    In reference to your your earlier error message, ‘A positive integer field is expected with round’…

    With indicators only code, you can call other files with  timeframes embedded.

    However, depending on what additional indicators you use within it you can get the error message pop up.

    ‘A positive integer field is expected with xxxxx’

    Image’s show, an example using ‘average’ keyword, which has a field that requires an integer.

    If the timeframe of the chart, and called file’s match, then there’s no problem.

    However, if the timeframe of the chart is a valid smaller timeframe, and a main file ‘Timeframe’ is using ‘updateonclose’, and that calls another file,

    and that files timeframe does not use the ‘updateonclose’ then error message comes up. Image 1.

    When this happens, in this example, the variable for the ‘Average’ look back, appears to be undefined still. flash message!

    If look back value is a literal, or by ensuring a default valid value for the variable, inside the timeframe block, then no message. Image 2.

    Though I couldn’t get your specific error message, I suspect it was on these lines, and somewhere in the code base, ‘Round(value,n/a) happened.

    Other post…

Viewing 16 post (of 16 total)

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