Are partial fills possible?

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Are partial fills possible?

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  • #236038

    Does PRT support partial fills through IG?


    Buy 1 then buy another 1 etc or try and buy 10 and only get filled for 5?

    Maybe you best state what you mean?

    Partial exits is the usual problem folks on here ask about.


    Partial fills are fills which fill as much as possible at the specified prices, as opposed to fill or kill which means you either get all of it or none of it.


    As all IG’s Instruments are derivatives and we are buying direct from IG; so unless you are buying £1,000,000 + I would think you would get filled 100% in Qty 100% of the time.

    I guess your original question remains unanswered?

    I can’t see PRT having any problem, but maybe @PeterSt has something to say re PRT and partial fills?


    The IG platform provided for partial fills as an option



    The IG platform provided for partial fills as an option

    Yes, that pages says it all. But as GraHal already noticed, it is about large quantities where partial fills may be in order (no pun) which is all written on that page.
    My own sauce : this could be about real Futures only and possibly CFDs are always available.


    It may be no coincidence that this page talks about the $ value at which IG will deal with your order manually (6-7M). Now they will put one bit (of your 6M) here and another bit there. This will come across as partial fills.
    Thank you for Mentioning me GraHal – I think you nailed it already.

    With PRT-IB partial fills happen all the time, although you must be (un)lucky, Thus, touch the price, receive 5 out of 12 etc. and the priced drops again. Your program code normally will not be able to deal with that, although it is you yourself not doing it (at least I don’t – see below). Thus, you buy 12 and with the next If OnMarket you will assume all 12 bought while you only obtained 5.
    PRT itself also can’t deal with this properly, as you may be OnMarket for an hour for 5 only which you will see on the order label, while later the remaining 7 will be bought (price crosses again) and the order for 5 will disappear from the chart as if it never was there.
    Solving this all decently gets complicated soon. For a simple example just envision that the 5 run into a SL while you(r) program thinks it is 12.
    So I never solved that and just keep it in mind at seeing anomalies (which is always afterwards).

    Of course I an talking Real Live only and I don’t think PRT will be able to know the availability by means of Ask/Bid in Backtest  or Demo/Paper (it surely could, but I don’t think PRT does it because it is too much “tick” related, which is not the inherent base of PRT).


    2 users thanked author for this post.

    I concluded when if/when I get up to large lot sizes where this may become an issue I would re-write my code in perhaps Python running on Ubuntu and manage my trades using the IG Rest interface, which gives a great deal of more control than PRT.  PRT is great for getting stuff working, but of course it is using a very high level language and there are limitations.

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