array variables availability in ProRealTime – examples and discussions

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support array variables availability in ProRealTime – examples and discussions

Viewing 7 posts - 241 through 247 (of 247 total)
  • #235300

    A strategy application, well that will take some time, I’ll have to sleep on that one.

    Regarding volume, if you replace the ‘close’ on line 10, with volume,

    that appears to display the volume values of the 1 tick chart I believe.

    Dam, I told everyone, doh


    Not sure how this will work out :

    , page 15 of this topic presents a black screen. This is how the topic “don’t know what happened, but this was the ‘Array Post'” emerged (a continuation of the original topic).
    I am now responding to page 14 – maybe that recovers page 15. But if not, I will post it in that 2nd topic (see below). And in that case ? can the Array Topic be repaired ?


    Not sure how this will work out :

    , page 15 of this topic (see 2nd pic) presents a black screen. This is how the topic “don’t know what happened, but this was the ‘Array Post'” emerged (a continuation of the original topic).
    I am now responding to page 14 – maybe that recovers page 15. But if not, I will post it in that 2nd topic (see below). And in that case ? can the Array Topic be repaired ?

    … so it did not work out. See the 2nd pic below for the topic which is stuck.


    Ok, I will look at what happened in the original topic, thanks for let me know!


    It should work by now.


    Yes, super. Thank you @Nicolas.
    You could consider to merge this topic here (the “Don’t know what happened”) with the original ?


    The topics are merged, have a nice day! 🙂

Viewing 7 posts - 241 through 247 (of 247 total)
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