Hi can anyone please take the time to advise why stock code ARM did not show on these scan parameters?
I have look at average volume etc etc and cannot figure it out? but if you run the scan it does not show?
Thanks in advance all – is it much appreciated
//Sharing ProRealTime knowledge
indicator3 = Average[40](Volume)
c2 = ma50>ma150
c3 = ma150>ma200
c4 = summation[20](ma200>ma200[1])=20
c5 = Close/lowest[250](low)>1.3
c6 = Close/highest[50](low)>0.7
c10 = close/close[170]>=1.25
c11 = close/close[200]>=1.25
c12 = close/close[220]>=1.05
c13 = close/close[250]>=1.05
C8 =Close>=100 and Close<=200
c9 = (indicator3 > 5000)
TrendTemplate = c2 and c3 and c4 and c5 and c8 and c9 and c10 and c11 and c12 and c13 and c6