Automated Lot sizing – adding complexity. Is this platform capable?

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Automated Lot sizing – adding complexity. Is this platform capable?

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  • #233058

    Hi folks,

    New to this forum and platform. I have experience coding within TradingView and a career in IT but no experience yet with ProBuilder.

    I have a requirement whereby I can enter a long or short position from the high or low of the previous closed 5 min candle + 60% of the spread and have the stop placed below the last swing high/low + 60% of the spread. preferably through a hotkey. It should also calculate lot position of max 2% of account size BUT if funds are not available for a full 2% due to position of entry and stop being very close to each other, it shouldn’t reject the order like the built in auto sizing does, but instead it should adjust to the max percent available..

    I need to start working through how to code this but in your experience/expert knowledge does this sound like it’s even technically feasible for this platform?

    waiting with baited breath and all fingers crossed 🙂




    In order to save you a lot of time : forget it. Almost all elements of it.


    + 60% of the spread

    I take it you meant 60% of the range (difference between high and low of a candle)?

    BUT if funds are not available for a full 2% due to position of entry and stop being very close to each other, it shouldn’t reject the order like the built in auto sizing does, but instead it should adjust to the max percent available..

    You would still have 98% of Account size? But anyway, keep it simple and just use fixed position size to start with.


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