Automated trading with Interactive Broker and ProRealTime – NOW AVAILABLE

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Automated trading with Interactive Broker and ProRealTime – NOW AVAILABLE

  • This topic has 128 replies, 27 voices, and was last updated 1 hour ago by avatarJS.
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  • #234483

    Hi, I have heard there maybe some compatibility issues between IG and IB scripts, can you elaborate, sorry if you’ve already answered this question, I don’t find this forum very easy to find things in



    I will give you a perhaps unexpected twist on compatibility issues :

    If you’d do all you can for covering broker outages (so to speak) then you’d see that you have say 40  issues covered for IG and 40 for IB. This is all about do’s and don’ts and what to expect from high volatility hours and PRT’s communication with the brokers and vise versa. Sadly, those 40+40 issues have a common denominator of only 5 or so. This means that when you’d have all running with IG, you can start all over for IB and cover for 35 new issues there.

    New in the mix is the influence of ProRealTime herself, who bluntly applies new rules so your bloodily designed systems – especially to cover for issues, were all in vain.
    Currently this is in order for PRT-IB, over which ProRealTime has more power than PRT-IG.

    It is interesting to notice that – and it is only one example – AutoTrading with Forex is not allowed any more for PRT-IB. Ah, you did not notice ? … that is what I mean … that is interesting. It probably means that nobody is using it for real but it also means that nobody tells you.
    Is that a compatibility issue with PRT-IG perhaps ? I thought it is !

    It is full with these kind of issues. But they are in a very different realm than you expected. If you don’t run into them (like not using Fx for Autotrading) then all is fine. But how can you tell in advance if the rules are changed behind your back ?


    I’ve received some conflicting information, does the IB integration support forex ? I’m currently in the process of opening an IB account


    A long list of new instruments available with automatic trading:

    Anything for APAC players Nicolas?


    IB integration support forex

    Do you mean by integration … anything different than PRT used with broker IB.

    If No, then @PeterSt states / is convinced that Forex trading with PRT has been withdrawn / stopped by IB.

    If you ask IB then let us know what they say.

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    I will do.


    I know what they (IB) will say: you can trade forex with our FX -futures…

    2 users thanked author for this post.

    If No, then @PeterSt states / is convinced that Forex trading with PRT has been withdrawn / stopped by IB.


    I know what they (IB) will say: you can trade forex with our FX -futures…

    I don’t think this is the case – but on this I am guessing (fair chance of 60% to be right);

    IB does not prevent us to trade with them. It is PRT herself who receives claims from PRT users which can’t be coped with (by PRT). This is all about responsibilities and how PRT can not pay you back your money** when things go bananas in your systems (mostly caused by yourself).
    The good (and 100% for sure) example is PRT now kicking out your position (!!) when such a system fails for unknown reason (this is mostly NOT caused by yourself) – here PRT makes the huge mistake of thinking that they help those who complained (PRT users again) by not only kicking out the AutoTrading System, but thus also the position.

    **): This is different with IG because with IG, IG takes responsibility and they pay you back your money when something went bananas (IG is large enough to be able to pay that money).

    With Forex I am less than 100% sure because this is somehow related to CFDs. But it is hard to imagine that IB won’t bring across that message to us themselves (by means of email or internal notice), unless their policy of “the introducing broker (which is PRT)  must communicate this” is strict in this case.
    And if I am wrong, JS will be right (see quote above). I would give him the doubt because his message will come from somewhere (say inside information ***).

    People might prepare for the Fx futures, which are in a dimension of their own (please don’t even think of this if you’re not quite experienced with the “normal” futures like S&P, Nasdaq).

    ***): I may wonder whether people received an email about this – I did not but this could be for special external reasons. If so, can someone please post the contents of it (any language is fine as long as it can be copy-pasted to Google Translate) ?



    Here is my “inside” information:

    What instrument can be traded automatically with ProOrder with Interactive Broker?

    • All Forex pairs: Maximum 200k / Spot Gold & Silver: Maximum 80k
      Margin ~€1500-2000
      Cost min $2/order


    UPDATE: 27/03/2024

    We have just authorized the following futures (Forex pairs) for auto trading at IB:


    Are you sure you understood correctly that these were Futures contracts that you can now trade in automatic trading via ProOrder at IB? 🙂

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