AutoTrading – Latent Gain Will NOT Show on Charts

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProRealTime platform support AutoTrading – Latent Gain Will NOT Show on Charts

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  • #235820

    Anybody else get this problem, you must do!?

    Attached shows that I can display Unit Gain but NOT Latent Gain.

    Unit Gain is – 0.06.
    At 5 Contracts, the Latent Gain should be  5 x -0.06 = -0.30 (same as shows against the System running in the ProOrder window).

    Latent Gain will not ever show for me … does Latent gain show for you please?

    As you can see on attached, I have ticked the box in Settings for Latent Gain to show on the Chart.

    Do I need more coffee? Too late today anyway as I don’t drink caffeinated coffee after 2 pm. 🙂



    Not sure if you mean this (below). A week or so back someone else asked about that too (I think it was Morpheous). I said :
    This counts for 50% or newly opened positions during the session. Restart and it is there again.

    I also said :
    I repeatedly announced this via a ticket a year or so ago. Then I gave up.

    Btw, “Real-Live”, may it matter. 😉

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    Yes Real Live.

    I’m sure I submitted a ticket also to PRT 1 to 2+ years ago also … I could be dead before I see lots of these problems fixed!? 🙁

    I just opened the Platform and yes – as you say Peter – Latent Gain shows correctly today!



    Another angle of PRT shoots herself in the foot; Instead of complaining we learn to live with it and the PRT platform goes worse and worse.

    It goes exactly the same as when V11 was out; right after that I was asked what the improvements for V12 could be.
    Today (few months ago) it goes the same. V12 is live with uncountable mishaps (like this one) and I am called on my ideas about V13. You know, I deem this scoffing.

    Part of the problem with ProRealTime / ITFinance SARL etc. is that the people you announce the bugs/tickets too, don’t even get feedback themselves about something being solved. This is even so bad that those same people close the tickets because there is silence around the ticket, and they close them eventually.

    But hey, I am in a good mood today. Weather is nice and such. So not Grumpy. Only old.

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