Backtest Long / Short Dependent Stop Loss

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Backtest Long / Short Dependent Stop Loss

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  • #157791

    Hi all & happy New Year!

    I know how to set different types of stop losses but what I want to do is to set conditional stop losses depending on whether the position is long or short.

    Sadly LONGONMARKET / SHORTONMARKET only seems to work in connection with opening positions not as part of say “IF LONGONMARKET SET” SL.

    Please let me know if a L/S dependent SL is possible.

    Many thanks




    You can use conditional SL’s:

    Bear in mind that ProOrder detects the OnMarket status when the entry candle closes, so you will remain On Market, for a whole candle withouit a stop loss.

    I suggest that you use:

    Moreover, the last SET STOP pLOSS executed overrides any prior setting for all open positions.


    2 users thanked author for this post.

    Thank you so much Roberto!


    Merci pour votre solution.

    Thanks for your solution.


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