BackTesting Reliability

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  • #8357

    I’m using quite recently the ProRealTime platform (provided by IGMarkets) in order to run my automatic trading systems.
    Unfortunately, what I got is an unreliable BackTesting system because BackTesting results I got was rather different respect to real execution, specifically, I got two operations which went in LOSS int the real execution while ProRealTime Backtesting provided GAIN as results. I tested my strategies at worst condition in terms of spread (real spread of used cross was 0.8/1.5 pips while I used 2 pips for BackTesting).

    So, my questions is: Is BackTesting of ProRealTime reliable ?
    Are there some specific options/constraints to be taken into account in order to get a reliable BackTesting ?

    Thanks so much for your support.
    Best Regards,


    Hi Rundof,

    This is a usual question asked on the forums.

    Currently, Probacktest only deals with conditions one time per bar. So if takeprofit or stoploss price levels were met in the same bar (between high and low), the backtester don’t have any ideas of what would happen first : stoploss or takeprofit? So takeprofit is always tested in first in the backtester. Of course, in real time it should have been different, that’s why you notice some differences between your test and the real time execution.

    This is currently being improved at PRT company, for the backtester to reflect more precisely real time condition. We should expect this feature in the next release of the platform.


    Hi Nicolas,

    Thanks for your reply.

    So, currently, is there no way to perform a reliable BackTesting with ProRealTime ?

    Thanks so much in advance,




    This “problem” occurs when the takeprofit and stoploss price levels are in the same bar. So you can avoid this by enlarging their values or trade small timeframe. You can also avoid using SET TARGET and SET STOP, this should reduce this well-known phenomena.


    Hi Nicolas,


    Thanks for your reply.

    So, I was wondering if there is a way in ProRealTime  to close the position if “Current Profit”/”Current loss” is greater/less than specific value.

    In MQ4 code for MT4 platform, we have the specific functions which provides current equity , profit, balance and so on, so above operation can be performed easily.

    Are there specific ProRealTime instructions to do the same ?

    Because , as you suggested, I’m going to unset SL/TP in order to cover the issue you explained me, but I have to include a “closing mechanism” on my automatic strategy.

    Thanks so much for your help



    Hi Nicholas ,

    Do you know when version 10.3 will be released addressing this issue ?




    No I meant with current version…if it is possible to close position when specific equity or profit or loss is achieved without setting of TP kr SL.


    Yes of course rundof, you can use POSITIONPERF for example and STRATEGYPROFIT.



    Do we know when the next release is due – which will address/correct this issue.

    I have seen the same thing and its very frustrating. I’m testing in demo mode and making losses. When back testing the same period there are profits.


    Dear all,

    I suffering the same problems seems like some other members, maybe some more members can give feedback.

    I tried to compare now the different systems, see attached pictures, some more follow.

    For explanation:

    left = real trading

    middle = backtesting with tick by tick in version V10.3

    right = backtesting with V10.2 without back by test

    It is the DAX M15

    I will stop now trading the system in reality and make it manually again and will observe it in Demo mode for longer time, because deviation is still little big.

    Also I will check other strategy from users, because maybe my programming have a failure.


    2 picture:

    For explanation:

    left = real trading

    middle = backtesting with tick by tick in version V10.3

    right = backtesting with V10.2 without back by test

    It is the DAX M15


    3 picture

    For explanation:

    left = real trading

    middle = backtesting with tick by tick in version V10.3

    right = backtesting with V10.2 without back by test

    It is the DAX M15

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