Brokers overnight interest rate

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  • #244542

    This is a really helpful snippet of code. I had been analysing the IG overnight cost as it has eaten away substantial profit. Incorporating this code in any strategy will visualize whether the market-strategy combo is a match cost-wise … big thanks!




    Interesting thread! This discussion has several parallels with another thread. Feel free to check it out:

    Algos – No Night Fees (All Vendors)



    Overnight fees are crazy.. Ive paid so much to IG these past few years.. Last year i made in profit the same amount i paid in overnight fees.. Meaning if i had paid 0 in overnight fees i would have had 100% more profits.. Sadly many of my algos show significant better results holding overnight..


    Overnight fees are crazy.. Ive paid so much to IG these past few years.. Last year i made in profit the same amount i paid in overnight fees.. Meaning if i had paid 0 in overnight fees i would have had 100% more profits.. Sadly many of my algos show significant better results holding overnight..

    Good to see you Jebus89! You dont know me, but when I started out, I read a bunch for your longer threads on this forum. Those helped a lot, so thanks so much! 🙂

    Ohh, the overnight fee’s indeed eats up a lot of the profit… Does that mean your last year ended up +- 0?

Viewing 4 posts - 16 through 19 (of 19 total)

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