Buy or Sell at set time and price change on any market.

Forums ProRealTime English forum General trading discussions Buy or Sell at set time and price change on any market.

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  • #236742


    I don’t know coding to write the code for this idea. I will appreciate help on this one please.

    The idea I have.
    As you know when the US market opens the volumes are high and moves fast in any direction.
    Have code that will open 2 x short OR 2 x long positions depending on the price direction.

    The positions opens on price change at a set time(market open time) Or opens positions at a candle count after market open.
    With the time set or candle count one can start trades on any market and on any time frame even on a 10sec time frame.

    Can apply this strategy on any market on any time frame. The market and time frame can then be any of your choice.
    If this can work this can work in Bull and Bear market.

    On market open and the price goes higher that what the price was at open. Open 2 x Long positions.
    1.) Buy 1 contract – set profit for $20 or 20 Points (20 = example/variable)
    Close this trade automatically when set profit is reached.
    Set Trailing stop at $10 or 10 points (10 = example/variable)
    2.) Buy 1 contract with $10/10 points trailing stop so this one can run (10 points = example)

    The same applies as the above if the price moves lower on market open.
    1.) Short 1 contract – set profit for $20 or 20 Points (20 = example/variable)
    Close this trade when profit set is reached.
    Set Trailing stop at $10 or 10 points (10 = example/variable)
    2.) Short 1 contract with $10/10 points trailing stop so this one can run (10 points = example)

    Thank you.



    This is what chatgtp made of it.




    And now I would like to see the backtest.


    Thank you for this.

    May be I’m missing something but the code does not open any positions. I changed the TimeMarketOpen, TP & TS values but still no results.
    Used the code like one would test any strategy. My PRT is working and have no issues there.


    line 14

     MarketOpenPrice = Close

    line 19 and line 27

    MarketOpenPrice cannot be different from close



    Thank you for the input.

    Your comment is the same as in the original code. What do you suggest?
    line 14 – MarketOpenPrice = Close

    What do you mean? I don’t understand (because I can’t code)
    line 19 and line 27
    MarketOpenPrice cannot be different from close


    Thank you


    line 14

     MarketOpenPrice =open


    Still no trades opened.


    line 13

    IF (Time = StartTime ) THEN
    line 14
    MarketOpenPrice = Close

    Ah.! Now it takes positions.
    Thank you.

    But it keeps on opening positions. I want it just to take positions and then stop.
    Example: When the market opens it should take positions buy/sell then exit the code/market.


    by adding at the top of the code

    defparam cumulateorders =false


    It still opens trades at any time.
    Does not start at set time and end when set target profit is reached.

    Thanks you.


    Try this version:

    the last SET TARGET and SET STOP always override the previous ones. It’s not possible to set two different STOPs or TARGETs.



    This one works. Thank you Robert.

    Profit not as much as I thought it might be but I’ll keep on playing with the TS and TP and see which combination gives best results.

    See att image. What are the differences between the highlighted amounts?


    The difference is simply because of the “Starting Capital” with which the “backtest” starts… (you can set up starting capital)

    Starting capital=100 (your equity curve start at 100)


    Equity(curve): 258.80

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