Candle Roll Over & Weekend Data

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProRealTime platform support Candle Roll Over & Weekend Data

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  • #7324

    I haave managed to get my daily candle rolling over at 10PM  which is what I want to happen.

    However I want the weekend data to show up.

    I have clicked on the box to show weekend data and the data shows up in the hourly,  which is what I want.

    But I get a small candle on the daily for this bit of weekend data,  so my question is how can I set up the chart so this bit of data is included in the Monday candle?

    Thank you for reading and I hope somebody may be able to help with this.



    Also and very importantly when I have the daily candle rolling over at 10:00 PM how can I have all past price data viewable,  because when you tick that little box in the settings to get the candle rolling at 10 PM you get a very very limited amount of prior price data.

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