Hi there,
I know, this topic has passed some days now. However I don’t understand why since the latest update of PRT (v12) in 2024 the price information shown on the cursor is swapped around for prices of open, high, low and close. And I even less understand why it is impossible to change it back to ‘normal’ as me being used to it the past years.
Today it reads like: high, close, open, low. This drives me crazy – hoping, I’m not alone with it. Please feel free to comment if you feel the same way.
The technical support told me it is not possible to sort the prices like open/high/low/close any more. But how was it then possible before? That simply does not make any sense.
I attached a screenshot for my current readings.
My platforms language is set to German, but basically it reads:
Hoch = high
Schluss = close
Eröffnung = open
Tief = low
If there is any kind of work around to change it back, please let me know.
If there is any chance of opening a support ticket, also please let me know.
Thank you.
best regards,