Cannot get my Interactive Brokers account back after cancelling PRT

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProRealTime platform support Cannot get my Interactive Brokers account back after cancelling PRT

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  • #236547

    I signed up with PRT to use their charting software with my Interactive Brokers account. I cancelled after a couple months and now I cannot get my IBKR account back.

    iBKR said that PRT must delink my account in order for them to get back control of it. But PRT is saying that that cannot unlink it and that I must close the account and apply for a new one. I had no idea PRT would completely hijack and render my IBKR account useless. Can anyone shed some light on this?


    Thank you very much.

    Please contact again ProRealTime via their mail and explain your situation.

    I’m sure they’ll be able to help you.

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